"Wow that was hard"He huffed as we finally made it down, I glared at him.

"I grazed my knee half way down"I said as I limped my way through the side garden and out the back door, we got into his Z4.

He started the engine and we left to go court, I still couldn't get that stupid dream outta my head...Wish it would just go away!


"Woah what's up"Danny asked.

I then realised I had actually shouted it.

"Crap uh sorry I'm just frustrated"

"Wanna talk to old gramps about it"He pulled a sad face.

"Not today.."I said not wanting to talk about it, the dream will lead to explain the past including the wedding day it self.

It enough embarrassing that everyone's heard of it back at home. 

He didn't questions further more which I was grateful for.

After about a 10 minute drive we finally reached our destination,it was a big court.

"Asif you guys live in Vegas"I joked as we both got out.

"I live in California with my parents, Drake always loved Vegas since he was a kid so he moved here"Danny spoke as he locked the car, we sneaked in the back seen as everyone was waiting for Drake at the front.

"Drake uhh quite big in the media ain't he"I couldn't help by say.

"He's the youngster, the party boy..He's cheated on Melissa loads of times"I stopped and looked at him.


"Why doesn't Melissa just leave him...Common sense?"

"Oh no don't worry..Melissa cheats on him is well...while she's at 'work"He grinned.

Wow...confused much...

I nodded and walked in, we went through some corridors...a few stairs and a bridge to get to our room.

The two giant doors opened and in came a big room.

I saw Drake in the corner with his lawyer and our Lawyer in the other corner.

"Sophia May Anderson, Nice to meet you I'm Sarah your lawyer"She came up to us and shaked our hands.

"Come on let's sit over here"He guided me towards the front and we both sat down.

When the Judge came we all stood up and made our promises to the bible.

We proceeded to tell our stories and so on.

I was so bored half way I actually just wanted to go home.

"I have heard both of you're sides..."He started, I looked over at Drake to see him looking at me, He looked away puffing out, he was nervous...he really didn't want Melissa to find out.

But why are they together if both of them cheat on each other...like what's the point.

"You will not be granted this divorce to go through"I turned my head at him shocked.

Did I hear him right.

"As punishment I demand you two live together for 6 months, go marriage counselling once a week on Sundays, if you refuse to go you will pay a £10,000 pound fine, and you're marriage will go on for longer, after 6 months are up you are proceeded this divorce"He nodded and got up walking away.

"Wait wait Judge I'm sorry this can't happen! Look please I'm begging you this won't happen again"Drake stood in front of him begging him.

"I'm sorry son but there the rules...it's the punishment that happens to everybody"The judge walked away back to his office as Drake buried his face in his hands.

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