Chapter 8

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Arcee comes back into the room crying, Wheeljack sees her and goes over to her to comfort her. "Arcee, what's wrong? What happened?"

"My father made arrangements for me to mate with Megatronus."

Wheeljack gets a tightness feeling in his spark chamber. He couldn't believe it, the one femme he actually loves and wants to be with is going to mate with another mech, all due to her father. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure."


Arcee goes into her father's office feeling all happy and ready to tell her father the good news. As soon as she walks in she sees Megatronus in there marking some kind of tablet sheet. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were in the middle of some business talk..."

"You're fine, Arcee, we were just sealing our agreement is all."

"Oh, what kind of agreement?"

"You, my dear, are going to become his mate."

Arcee's optics widened in shock, she couldn't believe it. She felt as though her system was gonna shut down, she felt like she could just purge. "You can't be serious, father."

"I've never been more serious."

"But the whole arranged mating thing was put out eons ago, it's not legal anymore!" 

"To the normal citizens, but it's different for the ones on the High Council. We can uphold any old law in our welfare if we want to and right now I'm upholding this law that you will mate with whoever I choose."

"That's not right! I don't even think we can trust him!"

"Of course we can trust him, he's a fine mech."

"Arcee, I know we got off on the wrong pede but I had fallen for you over this course of time being here. I promise I will take care of you," Megatronus gets closer to her and takes her servo. "I know it will take some time to trust and love me and I'm willing to wait, I don't want to force you into mating so I'll wait until you're ready," he leans in and kisses her on the cheek. 

Arcee just leaned over to try and get away from him but the desk was in her way so all she could do was lean against the desk and try to hold herself up and keep her balance as her legs felt like giving way. Megatronus released her servo and left the office to let them talk.

"Are you alright, Arcee?"

"No! How could you go behind my back and arrange something like that!? I have a right to choose my mate!"

Halogen vented out a sigh, "I'm getting old, Arcee. I fear it won't be much longer before I rust away, I just want to be sure you're taken care of before I do. Megatronus is a strong and powerful mech with exceptional fighting skills, he'll take really good care of you."

"I don't trust him, father! I refuse to mate with him!"

Halogen became furious and he slammed his fist on the desk. "Do not question my decision! You will mate with Megatronus and that is final! Do you understand!?"

Arcee flinched at her father's sudden outburst and looked at him in disbelief as she felt her optics starting to sting. "Yes father, I understand," she choked out.

Halogen took a moment to calm himself down before speaking again, "It's late, you should go to bed and get some rest. Goodnight, Arcee."

With a nod, Arcee started walking out of the office. "Goodnight, Dad," she said as she walked out and went up the hallway toward her room.


"So I must mate with Megatronus," Arcee said as she held Wheeljack tight.

"I see. And there is no way around it?"

"The only way out of it is if one of them breaks it off."

"I guess neither of them will."

"I doubt it."

"It's been a long night, you should get some recharge."

She nods as she walks over to her berth, "See you in the morning?"

"Of course, I'm not going anywhere."

She smiled as she closed her optics, "Goodnight, Wheeljack."

"Goodnight, Arcee," he said with a smile of his own. Once she was fully into recharge he slipped out and went to his own room.


"Megatronus, mating," Optimus says still in shock.

"He never told you about a love interest or that he was set to mate with a femme?" Ratchet asked.

"Come to think of it, he did mention that he was in love with a certain femme but I didn't know it was serious enough to mate with her. He didn't even tell me much about the femme, no name, nothing, only that she was of high society and daughter to one of the High Council members. I had no clue who the femme was."

"Now you know it was Arcee."

"The way she is I can actually see why he would fall for her and want her as his mate."

"Would also explain her big hatred for Megatron, not just because he's the warlord and the Decepticon leader but because of that," Bumblebee beeped in.

"So, what happened to Wheeljack?" Miko asked.


The next morning, Wheelajck was summoned into Halogen's office so Halogen could talk to him. "Wheeljack, you have done a great job in keeping Arcee safe, but I have arranged for Arcee to mate with Megatronus so when the time comes you will be dismissed. Megatronus and I will be going out for a business trip to take care of a few things and we'll be gone for three or four days tops, so you will stay here to continue keeping guard over Arcee while we're gone. But once we come back I bid you take your leave."

"Yes, sir. Will I get extra credits for staying longer?" He asked to make it look like he's still just in it for the credits and to hide the hurt he's feeling right now.

"Yes, you'll get extra credits for your overtime."

"Thank you, sir."

"You can get back to your work now."

With a nod of respect, Wheeljack left the office and went to find Arcee.


"What!? He's gonna be dismissed!?" Miko asked feeling outraged by what she just heard.

"Yes, Halogen feels that Megatronus will be enough to keep her safe."

"Did they work around it somehow?" Miko asked. Bulkhead just went silent.

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