Chapter Six; After math

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George's POV:

Eventually, Dad sent us all back to the burrow then went back to search for Lottie with Percy, Bill and Charlie. We were all a wreck, especially Harry and I. Harry as he's her brother and me because if I wasn't giving her the cold shoulder she would be here with us right now.

'What happens if they don't find her?' Ginny sobbed into Fred's shoulder. 'What if.. What if she's dea-' she was cut short by a crack and Remus Lupin and a shaggy dog appearing

'I heard what happened and came straight over, is everyone okay?' Lupin asked mum and she broke down in tears 'What? What happened?' he asked before scanning our faces and you could see realization hit him like a ton of bricks 'Where's Charlotte?' he said slowly already knowing the answer but hoping he was wrong and she was just at the bathroom or something

'We.. We got separated from her when we left the tent.' Harry started but he didn't know the rest of the story so Fred continued seeing as he was the only relatively level headed one out of all of us

'All of us apart from Harry and Lottie came back to the port key and we waited for them hoping they were together but then... then we heard her screaming.' he stopped for a minute for Lupin to take it in. He looked paler than a ghosts as he lost the ability to stand and flopped down into a free arm chair, his head in his hands as the dog he brought with him had it's head on Harry's lap comforting him while whimpering itself. 'She kept screaming and screaming then she stopped for a bit then started screaming again but only for a little bit this time and she didn't scream again. It was awful, like she was being crucio'd over and over again.' he said loosing his voice at the end of having to relive everything.

Everything was silent as we all waited for any sign of news which is why it startled us so much when my three older brothers and Dad apparated into the room but with no Lottie which set the girls sobs off again. 'We couldn't find her, we're not giving up but we're going to wait until morning when it's lighter and we can see things easier.' dad told everyone, we didn't say anything just nodded

'You kids should be getting to bed, it's been a long day.' mum said and we all started shuffling upstairs.

'Wait!' Harry yelled as he looked at the dog and we all looked at him. 'What if Padfoot could find her? Dogs have extra sensitive senses he might be able to find her tonight!' he says and the dog, nods? Wait this is the dog Lottie fed last year!

'Harry we had ministry workers looking for her and she's still missing, what makes you think a dog can find her?' Percy asks snobbishly

'This dog knows and cares about Lottie more than any ministry worker, she's my sister. If Padfoot can't find her then there's no harm done and we'll try again tomorrow.' Harry argues and everyone nods

'It's worth a shot!' Lupin says and we all get up to leave but mum makes everyone stay apart from Fred and I and everyone older than us, and the dog of course. The only reason Fred and I are allowed to go is because we begged and pretty much threw a tantrum until she finally gave in. Harry was extremely against staying but there was no way anyone was letting him leave the house.

We apparated back to where the World Cup was held and split up into twos, I was with Lupin and Padfoot so technically we were in a three but that doesn't matter right now. It was pitch black which is understandable considering it's about half 12 at night.

Padfoot started sniffing the air frantically then ran off, Lupin and I tried to follow him but soon lost him as he was going too fast. We ran in the direction he went keeping an eye out for Lottie and Padfoot.

We stopped to catch our breaths for a second and heard Padfoot bark repeatedly, he'd found her. We run towards his barking and we find him nudging Lottie (who was half covered with a burnt tent) with his nose. 'LOTTIE!' I scream as I sprint faster then drop to my knees beside her. 'Lottie, Char, Charlotte!' I say as I fuss over her figure, she's covered in blood, burns, bruises and her breathing is shallow. Lupin is at her side now too and gasps at the sight 'Lottie I am so so sorry.' I sob into her stomach where my head is placed

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