Chapter Five; The Quidditch world cup

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Charlotte's POV:

I woke up in the morning to someone gently shaking my shoulder 'Charlotte dear, you need to get up if you're going to get to the world cup on time!' came the quiet whisper of Mrs Weasley. I slowly opened my eyes and she smiled at me 'Breakfast will be ready in about 10 minutes, would you mind waking the twins up for me dear, thank you.' she said and walked out of the room.

I rolled over and saw both twins in the exact same sleeping position and I had to use every ounce of will power not to burst out laughing. Both of their mouths were agape and they were both hugging their pillows, aw how cute!

I climbed onto George's bed and started bouncing on it 'WAKE UP! WAKE UP! IT'S THE QUIDDITCH WORLD CUP TODAY!' I screamed then jumped from his bed to Fred's and screamed the exact same thing again. It didn't seem to wake them up so I jumped back onto George's bed but ended up falling on top of him

'Urggh, Lottie I know you want me but another time, I'm trying to sleep!' he groans and I blush madly, luckily his eyes are still closed but I know he's awake

'Just get up it's the world cup today!' I told him and ruffled his already messy hair

'Urggh fine, only if you get off of me!' he says and my mad blush returns, I forgot I was on top of him, oops! I get up off of him then grab one of the pillows and start hitting Fred with it

'Fred get up or there'll be no breakfast left!' I shouted and he shot up and ran out the room, silly boy! I walked back over to George who had now gone back to sleep. I mentally groaned 'George come on get up, pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaassseeeeeeee!' I say sweetly extending the please and I sit down on the edge of his bed, his arms sneak around my waist and pull me down then one of his hands covers my mouth, I'm guessing he wants me to stop talking

'Shhh Lottie, go back to sleep!' he mutters and I remove his hand from my mouth

'But George, don't you want breakfast?! That's why I was waking you up, because if you don't get up now there'll be none left!' I whisper and just like his brother he's away like a shot.

I roll my eyes at there actions and decide to get changed while they fall asleep down stairs

I put on some jeans, a multi-coloured oversized jumper and some burgundy vans. I decide to try something different with my hair so I run my hands over it and watch in the mirror as my hair straightens at my command, it's not polka straight, it's sort of messy but it looks okay so I just leave it. I grab my backpack which has an extra pair of clothes in and go to the bathroom to wash my face and clean my teeth then go down to meet everyone in the kitchen.

By everyone I meant Mr and Mrs Weasley, the twins, Ron, Ginny, Hermione and Harry. They all looked half asleep, Ron and Harry were still in there pyjamas like the twins. Hermione and Ginny looked more lively then the boys so I had a conversation with them, apparently the three eldest Weasley boys would be apparating to the cup at lunchtime so they got a lie in unlike us who had to get up at 5 o'clock and walk there, well not all the way but to the portkey.

We soon set off after the boys got dressed and after a huge fiasco with all of the twins's products then Mrs Weasley accio'd them all from them what she didn't realize and neither did the twins is that since I'm such a good friend I stashed at least 10 of each product in my backpack and I wouldn't mention it until we were out of the house.

Mrs Weasley shouted at them both about how the products were the reason they only got three owls and how it's just a stupid dream and yaada yaada yaada, I tuned her out then the twins grabbed one of my arms each and literally carried me out of the house, they didn't put me down until I told them I could walk myself

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