Wide Awake

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I'm jostled awake by the sound of skittish voices and nervous stage whispers. My heart starts going a mile a minute as soon as I realize what's happening. We're here. When I step out of this van, I'm no longer innocent. I'm no longer a naive little girl. When I open this door, and straighten my shaky legs on this unfamiliar soil, I'll be a soldier.
The driver slams his breaks and parks in front of a dingy concrete building. Everyone is finally silent for a few moments before the door is slung open. "Everyone out. We'll show you to your barracks."
We file out and follow the burly man in front of us. My stomach growls and I realized it's been a long while since I've eaten. Too long.
We make a sharp right and I come face to face with two wooden shacks that have been haphazardly put together.
"Alright, here we are. Boys to the left girls to the right."
Everyone followed his directions and trudged toward their designated building. When I opened the door I noticed there were already a few girls in the bunks. Probably from some other van, I assume. I scurried up a ladder to get one of the unclaimed top bunks, and was surprised to find a flashlight. I switched it on because I knew no one could be asleep right now. Everyone's emotions were to raw to settle down. Scanning the light through the room, a flash of hope ran though me; Ember was here! She had her back to me, but I could spot that hair anywhere. It shone at me like a beacon, and I couldn't help but smile. The girl in the bunk in front of mine (closer to the back of the shack) gave me a strange look
"What are you smiling about?"
I swung my flashlight over to her and she flinched in the light.
"Be careful where you point that thing, will ya?" I could tell this girl had confidence and that was something I admired. She had earned my respect so far.
I try my best to be sweet. "I'm so sorry! I'm just little jumpy." I offer her a timid little half smile and introduce myself.
"Hi . My name's Skylar." She eyes me for a second and then tell me her name.
"I'm Jasmine. So what were you smiling about?"
I debate about whether I should tell her I know someone, but then I decide it couldn't do any harm.
"Oh, I just realized I know someone in here."
"Really?" She raises one dark, arched eyebrow. "Who?"
I nod towards ember. "That girl over there with the bright red hair. Her name is Ember."
Jasmine looks at Ember and the back at me. 
"Good night Skylar."
"Good night Jasmine."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2016 ⏰

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