The One in Which a patriot saves them from certain death

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a/n: this chapter is dedicated to RandomAndFandom for literally being the best

Sherlock and Moriarty were sitting inside the Tardis, listening to the faint buzz of the mechanics. Sherlock was thinking about how PewDiePie didn't give them as much information as he wanted, and Moriarty was thinking about how he would look in a crown.

"Where are we going now?" Sherlock asked, getting sick of having to follow Moriarty around. "When do we get to Jawn?"

"I'm not really sure where we're going, I think it's somewhere over the rainbow. And you'll see John when you see him, we've got to get to the centre of the earth first!"

"Then why are we going over a rainbow?"

Moriarty glared at him. "Don't question, just respect."

Sherlock folded his arms angrily, and hugged his knees to his chest. He wanted his Johnny boy, that was the only reason why he agreed to go on this quest anyways.

All of a sudden, everything started shaking, and there was a grinding noise from outside the Tardis !!!

"What is happening? We're travelling through time and space, what could possibly be out there?!" Sherlock squealed.

"Space worms." Moriarty said gravely.


"I said SPACE WORMS! You want me to spell it out for you?!"

"Well what do we do!?"

"We have to land! It's the only way!" Moriarty was now fiddling around with the controls.

"But if we stop now we could end up ANYWHERE!" Sherlock said with a note of panic in his voice.

"Would you rather get eaten by worms!?" He was turning dials and the Tardis was whizzing, alarms were blaring.

"Worms eat DIRT!"

"You tell them Sherly!"

Sherlock paused, "that's not what I-"

There was a loud jolt and a crash, that sent both of the men flying. The Tardis had stopped moving!

"I can still hear the worms outside..." Sherlock said.

Then instead of grinding, they could both hear metallic pinging noises and a man shouting. The doors of the Tardis flew open.

"You alright boys?"

It was Captain America!!! He was even wearing his tight suit and carrying a metal-frisbee.

"We're fine! You saved us!" Moriarty said rushing to him and leaping into his giant arms.

"Uh, oh.. yeah." He laughed nervously. "You're welcome and stuff."

Sherlock got up and dusted off his coat before ruffling the broken bits of metal out of his hair. "I think the Tardis is going to need some repairs."

Captain America tried to put Moriarty down but he wouldn't let go of his neck. "Uh, yeah," he said giving up, "I can get Tony to took at it for you."

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