3. The Feelings Will Always Be Close

Start from the beginning

"Oh not in a bad way, of course." She was giggling and the Professor felt his heart twinge as he once more heard the divine voice that he could not once remove from his head. It was beautiful to hear it again, but it was a double-edged blade as he knew that for the joy it brought, misery also came. How could he hear that elegant voice once more and not frown knowing that he could never once hear it again in the flesh.

"Then... how did I steal you from him?"

"You have a tendency to forget things... Repressed memories as I am aware you harbour..." She smiled as she saw his mouth fall open. "I know of all your adventures since I... left. They are all full of wonder... Such incredible adventures that leave the mind boggled, and yet it touches you so... You live the most remarkable life, Hershel..."

"Not as remarkable as when I lived it with you..."

His voice cracked and Claire gripped his hand, comforting the Professor from his self-inflicted grief.

"Hershel... You must not say that... You can move on with your life. You must! You have others to look out for and I know that they need you. But that can't happen if you mourn for me the rest of your life. We live fleeting lives, Hershel. You are aware of that more than most and you know that you must not dwell on the past, but-"

"Look to the future, for the future holds true wonders... You always did love that quote from Donald Rutledge..."

"And I'm glad you remembered. But I see that you did not repress this memory. Of Oliver that is. You stole me from him not through vile intent, but through the act of a hero. He loved me, but I did not feel the same way about him. I told him so often. but he was so persistent. And he was very patient. You can see that through the lengths he has gone through to achieve his plan."

"So Oliver harboured feelings for you, just as Don Paolo, Dimitri and I did..."

"Oh, but Hershel. You loved me for who I was. I can't say the same about those three... Looks have always tainted men's minds..."

"This whole act... It is to get revenge for stealing you?"

He took a small step forward so that their bodies were even closer. He just wanted to feel her warmness. One more time. Who would not die for a chance to see their loved ones again?

"That is a part of it, but the rest I cannot say..."

"Why not?"

"As I told you, you are not dead."

"I must be if I am talking to you. How else could-"

"I do not know how it is we are speaking, but all I can say is that you will figure it out. After all, that's what you are best at, isn't it, Hershel?" She smiled, a wide smile that filled Hershel with feelings he could not name. "Figuring out the impossible."

"I love you, Claire... Please don't leave me... I would happily be dead just to be with you..."

"Oh but Hershel," She said, wiping the tears from his eyes as the Professor wept into the breeze. "too many are counting on you. You will save the world now and you will save it again and again. You must go back and be Professor Layton. That charming man who I fell in love with who always did the right thing, not expecting any reward. That's the Hershel Layton who will save the world this time and for the rest of your days. You will find the love in the world to protect. You will have a child to raise who will grow to continue your legacy. You will be Hershel Layton!"

"But if I am not dead, and I will wake up in the real world, all that will be awaiting me is the Gatherers. I simply cannot stop them!"

"Oh, but Hershel, you simply can!"

Claire beamed at Hershel and then pushed him. He had not realised, but she had managed to make his back face the Cliffside.

As he fell, he did not think of what was below. He kept his eyes skywards at the figure of Claire, looking down at him with those warm eyes.

He kept his gaze there until right at the end before he hit the sea below.


Hershel opened his eyes once more and found himself laying down to face a starlit night sky unlike any he had seen before.

He expected to feel great pain. Else how could he have survived a castle falling on top of him?

He sat up slowly, expecting the pain to start any time soon. But it did not.

He kept his eyes cast downwards but he gasped as he realised he was not lying amongst the remains of a castle. He was still in the spot the castle had fallen towards him and he saw Katia and Flora lying next to him - breathing, thankfully - but everything else was the same. Even...


The handsome man turned on the spot, the same spot the group had last seen him standing, cackling as the castle fell. They had assumed he had perished, but then how could he be there?

None of this made sense.

"Good morning, Hershel. That's right, it's three in the morning, a bit early to be waking up, mind you, but who am I to speak..." Hershel's eyes narrowed as a mad look fell over Oliver's face. "I never sleep."

"You are truly mad, Oliver. How did you pull this off?"

"Oh it was quite the feat, wouldn't you agree?!" He laughed into the cool night air and Hershel stood slowly, quite unsteady on his feet. "I would love to tell you, but all in due time. We'll wait for your friends to wake up first. The effect really is quite magnificent!"

Hershel went to say something else, but he just couldn't. This night was impossible. How could he possibly do anything...?

After all, that's what you are best at, isn't it, Hershel? Figuring out the impossible.

Hershel started as he heard Claire's voice ring through his head.

"I will stop you, Oliver." He stated, taking a firm step towards the villain.

"Ooh and how will you do that?! A bit of an impossible task for someone in the position you are in now. You simply cannot stop me!"

Hershel smiled and when he spoke, he felt as if two voices spoke as one. And maybe they just did.

"Oh, but I simply can!"

Professor Layton: Love In All AdversitiesWhere stories live. Discover now