Chapter 2

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A/N: didn't proofread. Hope you enjoy! (because Normani is Dinah's beautiful princess 💙)

Normani POV

How does she keep ending up in my room like let me knowww. What if we broke up and the RA would let her in and Dinah feels like she's one of those 'imma slash her tires and break her windows' type of girl. You can't just let her in my room.

Who told Dinah to fall asleep in my room, on my bed. Gosh. I honestly need to curse her out right now. I'm pissed like I wanted my space, let me have my own mother fucking space. Like imma need her-. Wait shit she just moved, ah fuck. Maybe I can just leave right now- wait god dammit this is my own room.

"Mani?" she asked groggily still under the covers. Maybe if I'm quiet enough she'll go back to sleep. Once I saw the bed move again I hid behind my dresser. Yeah, no, I don't feel like talking to her right now. "Mani?" She asks again, probably sitting up because I hear hear the bed creak. "Why isn't she here yet?" She asked out loud.

I am home, I'm just hidden, thank god my dresser is hella tall and things are surrounding it. Then I hear her phone start ringing and then it stopped.

Dinah: Hey- what- I can't hear you- hold on I'm going to put you on speaker- say it again.

I hear a deep voice, Ty.

Ty: have you talked to her?

Dinah: no she isn't in her dorm

Ty: maybe she's still out with Lauren

Dinah: or once she saw me sleeping in her bed she left

Ty: call her

Dinah: I don't want to push her into something

Ty: you have to tell her

Dinah: do you want me to say 'hey, I got drunk with Ty one night and we had sex and then we stopped talking and now we are friends but nothing is going to happen anymore because I love you' like no Ty I can't just say that, I'm going to hurt her, it was a dumbass mistake and now she's going to hate me

Ty: you weren't saying that when you were screaming my name

Dinah: ugh- you are such a- ugh, what did I see in you

Ty: you saw these nice ass eyes and said I want him to be my baby daddy

Dinah chuckled.

Dinah: ok, well I still love Normani and I don't want her to get hurt

Ty: you are already hurting her because the longer you wait the more painful it would be for her when she finds out

Dinah: I love her so fucking much

Ty: honestly I really don't give a shit and I'm not your counselor- this was your decision no matter how drunk you were; it takes two to tango, Dinah Jane

Dinah: I'm not asking you to be but like what should I do

Ty: just straight out tell her

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