The mission in germany

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----------------Y/N PoV---------
We arrived in Germany(I keep thinking hetalia and how Italy says Germany's name) and we all look around. Then I hear"Are you guys the people from the D.W.M.A?" Asks a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. I nod and look at the three people. "Oh... Sorry. I'm Armon." Said the boy with blonde hair. "This is Aaron." He pointed to a boy with black hair and light blue eyes. "And this is Mikasa" He then pointed to a girl with black hair and green/brown eyes. "Well hello. I'm Tsubaki. This is my meister Black*Star. This is kid and his weapons. Liz and Patti. Then there is Maka and her weapon Soul. And last but not least Y/ N. A weapon. But her meister is not here." I give and small smile and a shy wave to say hi. ¨Is she shy?" Asked Aaron. Kid responded for me ¨Yes. She is very shy." The group nods in agreement. "So you all know why you are here?" Mikasa asked. "That is right.... but can you go over it?" Tsubaki asked. "So uncool." Soul mumbles. I walked over to him and smacked him upside the head and glared at him. "WOW! Y/ N HIT SOUL!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" I glared at Black*Star. I bowed to show I was sorry. "She has manners. That's nice." Aaron commented. "So your mission is to find 3 (three) kishins eggs and get rid of them 'cause we have NO idea how to."(Quick a/n. I will be adding random songs that I like. And if you have a request I will put that song in) Aaron added on to what he said. I start to think

~~~~~~~~~~~If we have to take care of kishin eggs then I will have to fight. And Franky is not here right now. Damn. I'm gonna have to use my scythe or katana weapon forms. But my scythe from is my personal favorite. So I will use scythe. But~~~~~~~~
"Y/N" Kid,Soul, and Black*Star pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked at them. "Are you ok?" Maka asked. I nodded. "She was probably deep in thought. Right Y/N?"
I nodded yet again. "Sorry but we need help with the kishins." Armon told us. "Sorry she just scared us that's all." Patty stated.

»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»{Time skip}»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«
(I wrote the time skip to the beat of Guns for hands by Twenty One Pilots. |-/)

---------------Souls PoV-----------
We were walking down the streets in this town. At night. I take out the walkie talkie we all got and turned it on. I then handed it to Maka. "How is everyone doing?" She asked. First to reply was Tsubaki and Black*Star. More like Tsubaki. "We're all good here." "I WILL SURPASS GOD!!! COME OUT YOU KISHIN EGG!!!".I hear Black*Star yell in the background. Next to reply was Kid with Liz and Patty. "We haven't seen anything yet. Except for a few stray cats." "Ooooooooh. Sis can a cat look like a giraffe?" I hear patty ask Liz. "Probably Patty. 'Cause cats can look like Kid." (True story. I saw a black cat with 3 white stripes on its head) "HEY!"Kid complains. "Guys...." Maka then facepalmed. The one that we hadn't heard from yet is Y/N. I take the walkie talkie from Maka. "Hey Y/N. Y/N you there?" I asked her. I knew that there was worry coming from my voice but I don't care. That's when we here something hit a wall.

-------------- No one's PoV---------
They all took off running to where they heard the crash from. To find you FIGHTING ALL THREE OF THE KISHINS!!((((((((TO THE RIGHT TO THE LEFT WE WILL FIGHT TO THE DEATH. ITS A BRAND NEW WORLD. Sorry I was listening to this song))))))) "Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!!!" Maka yelled. Y/N looked around to see them with worried looks. Only to knocked into another building. She(I'm sorry if your a boy. But please can you roll with it) gets back up with an angered look. She then transformed her left/right (Which ever hand you write with) arm into a Black and white scythe. She then ran to one of the kishins killing it with one swing. She looked at them with a look saying 'help'. They all got the message. "Liz... Patty." The girls transformed into their weapon forms. "Soul" Maka ordered. "This is gonna be cool." Soul mocked. "Tsubaki enchanted sword mode." "Right." After they all transformed into their weapon forms they all run to the remaining 2 (two) kishin eggs. Kid and black*Star went to one of them while Maka and Y/N went to the other one.

Kid and Black*Star V.S Kishin
--------------No one's PoV-----------------

When Kid and Black*Star went to fight the kishin Black*Star being the idiot(-_-) he is he went straight for it. That resulted in him getting thrown to the other side of the street. But while that was happening Kid was shooting the kishin. After the kishin threw Black*Star across to the other street he focused his attention on Kid. "Mmmmm. More delicious souls to devour~" The kishin deviously stated. "YOU ASYMMETRICAL FREAK YOU WILL NEVER GET MY SOUL!!!" Kid yelled confidently.(Quick question. What if someone told Kid that the word symmetry is asymmetrical...?) As Kid was saying that Black*Star was getting up. After he got up he charged hitting the kishin... but not killing it. "Kid!! What should we do?!" Black*Star yelled. "Do what I do!!!" Kid replied. "And what is that?!" "Just watch!!!!" After Kid said that him Liz and Patty said this altogether..."LETS GO SOUL RESOUNANCE!!!!! DEATH CANNON!!!!!!!!!"  'Really Kid?' Black*Star thought. But he did it anyway. "LET GO SOUL RESOUNANCE!!!! Shadow star...." Kid got ready to fire the Death Cannon. While Black*Star was having Tsubaki control the shadows. "Sound level is at .03%" Liz told Kid. "Charged at 98%" "99%" "100%" "Ready to fire" Patty informed. "Ready Black*Star?" "YEAH" Kid fired the Death Cannon and Black*Star sent the Shadows at the kishin. It hit the kishin dead on. "We did it" Liz said as she transformed from her weapon form to her human form. "Yeah sis we did... ARE THERE GIRAFFES HERE?!" Patty replied/yelled. "No party there is no giraffes here" Kid told Patty with annoyance in his voice. "Hey Kid?" Black*Star asked. "Yeah?" Kid replied. "Why did we have to do soul resonance? Black*Star wanted to know why. "Because one more soul and that kishin egg would have been a real kishin." Kid explained. "Oooooh... Wait WHAT?!" Black*Star was stunned.

This next part is going to be while all of that 🔼🔼🔼 was happening

When Maka and Y/N ran up to the kishin Y/N ran to it dodging its razor hand (Like Jack the ripper in the first episode) hitting it with her scythe giving it a gash. Then after that Maka swings her demon scythe making another gash on the opposite side of the body. "Y/N?!" She yells. Y/N looks at her for a brief second. "How did you take one out by your self?" Maka yells/asked. Y/N gives her the "It was easy" look. "This one is way harder if it takes t-" "cough cough" Soul interrupted her "If it takes THREE of us to take it on" Y/N nods in agreement. "Y/N can you change to your strongest weapon while we do Soul resonance?" Maka asked Y/N. Y/N nods and keeps her arm a scythe. "Y/N when I say go we charge. Got it?" Y/N nods. "LETS GO SOUL RESONANCE!!!! WITCH HUNTER!!!" Maka and Soul yell. "3..." "2..." "1...." "CHARGE" Maka and Y/N charge at the kishin them both hitting it and killing it.

»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»{Time Skip}»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«
----------Y/N PoV------------
We went to find Armon, Aaron, and... Mikasa I think her name was. "I think this is where they are." Tsubaki told us. Patty knocked on the door. Which in my opinion was not a good idea. I mean the girl banged on the door. And by banged I mean the door almost came off its hinges. That's how hard she banged it. "WHAT?!" Aaron yelled after he opened the door. I held my laugh in. "Sorry about that." Maka apologized. "For the banging or waking us up?" Mikasa asked with a monotone voice. I help up the number two with my fingers to show both. "It's ok" Armon assured us. "Did you take care of the kishins?" Armon also asked us. "That's why we're here to tell you that we did. And it was cool to fight them" Soul said. With his red eyes glowing. Gotta admit that is pretty hot. WHAT!!! NO BAD Y/ N!!! BAD!!! I mentally scolded myself before someone tapped my shoulder. I looked to me right to see Tsubaki. "I just wanted to tell that were leaving tonight. Since I guess you didn't hear Kid and Maka talking about it. And you looked lost in thought. Is everything ok?" I nodded. "Well Y/N since I guess Tsubaki told you. Let's head home." Liz said with a warm smile.

And with that we headed home.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HOLY CRAP I FREAKING UPDATED UPDATD!!!! Sorry for like no updates. I've been lazy and I've also been dealing with school and family. DTK_Senpai100 has been yelling at me in real life to update. So here y'all go.

And remember

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