Dragging my Heels

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The walk for me has been lonely.
Because of blood I wash away water,
They tell me what I am,
What I should do,
What I'm not.
Think they know me they do,
That's the waters job.

I had to wash away a river so special,
So kind, so caring, so intimately connected,
Because our streams run parallel yet,
They are like forks in my path
Trying to deter me from where I want to be.
So unlike water I should be ice,
Cold, detached never free.

There's no meaning to my actions,
No reason behind my moves,
Because all I am is fighting,
Ploughing on and pushing,
To get what I want, what I should,
What I need and desire,

If I could drag my heels enough,
I'd carve my own river by self,
Walk along an empty girl,
Waiting for a diamond in the rough.
There my river would run on down,
To where fate and destiny behold,
A life well given without frown.

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