If i could

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If I were to be given,
A gift stronger than the stars,
I'd give it too you,
Along with my heart.
And every single word
Would be as true as lies,
Because they'd be too true,
To unreal and be present in my eyes.
I'd give you my hands,
So you know they're real,
So you see they're for you,
Like the love that you steal.
I'd show you reality,
The true side of me,
The soul that's wild and sad,
Not content yearning to be free.
If I were to be given,
A gift like a summers day,
I'd show it too you,
no words to say.
I'd show you my eyes,
Describe the image I look,
How I see you and myself,
Every cranny and nook.
I'd smile with my lips,
Prove the happiness you give,
Tell you just knowing,
Is what its like to live.
Then I'd convey my want to stay,
To stop time and sigh,
Because every time I part with you,
Its too sad to say goodbye.
So that's my gift to you,
Nothing concrete, nothing real,
Just my thoughts and feelings,
And a fate for you to seal.
If I could I'd put it in words,
I'd say it to your face,
But my nerves are ever present,
So it would be without grace.
Get the message?
Hear my words?
Love is like journey through the sky,
And we, two birds.

Vote and comment. I wrote this last week but was worried it would sound stupid for a girl like me. But I think with followers like you lot, there's never really anything to fear.
If you can relate, give us a bell. (Contact me for all you non Brits)


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