I'm Sorry

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I wrote these words in ink that bleeds,
On paper soft as skin,
I wrote these words to share my needs,
It's for my dearest kin.

I wrote these words in light that dies,
On paper transparent, thin,
I wrote these words confessing lies,
They're for my only Kin.

I wrote these words with shaking hands,
On the paper in the tin,
I wrote these words and time left sands,
Read, my lonely kin.

I wrote these words, tears streamed my face,
With a pen that's like a pin,
I wrote these words that will replace,
explanation for my kin.

I wrote these words. I wrote them true,
I see no future for my sin,
I wrote these words just for you,
I'm sorry my darling kin.

I wrote these words without hope,
I wrote them, I didn't win,
I wrote these words, felt the leather rope,
Goodbye my kind kin.

I write these words to be kind,
With ink as black as night.
I write these words for one last time,
I write them to find the light,

I write these words so you know the truth,
I write as the candle withers,
Remember me as you would in youth,
That light I had that dithers.

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