Episode 20| Gray Area

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When we started moving, I spread my arms apart, grabbing for anything stable to cling on to.

Bryce held back a laugh. "You're not afraid of heights, are you?"

"No, I'm not." I replied frankly, regaining some form of stability inside our death chamber. The creaking heightened my pre-established anxiety. "I've never been afraid of heights. What I am afraid of though, are hospitals, rats, cockroaches, spiders, and getting run over by a train."

His eyes widened. "The last one is a little morbid."

"Well we are talking about fear here," I reminded. "What are you afraid of?"


I scoffed. "Yeah right. Everyone's afraid of something. You're just saying that to seem tough. Instead, tell the truth."

"No, I'm serious. I'm not afraid of anything." Bryce puffed. "On second thought, I am afraid of one thing."


"Dying before I see the age of thirty."

I stifled a cough. "And you said I was being the morbid one. That's depressing."

"Hey, you're the one who told me to tell the truth."

"Yes, I said be truthful, not depressing."

"Sometimes the truth is depressing." Bryce shrugged with a stoic expression, gazing out to the beautiful view of Santa Monica beach. The blue waters looked black in the distance, only reflecting small specks of orange and red from the carnival attractions. The patterned mirrored the array of colors that brushed half of Bryce's face like a canvas.

I looked at the pier adjacent to where we were. I was worried the rain would've caused the carnival to be cancelled, but the rain was only around for a brief hour before everything cleared up again.

Bryce tilted his head. "Are you humming 'You Got it' by New Kids On The Block?"

I faced him. "Oh. They're playing it down there," I pointed at my window. "I guess I did it unintentionally."

"You like them? And you're brave enough to admit that?" Bryce asked and I nodded. "Please don't tell me you have posters of Jordan Knight on your wall from Teen Beat Magazine. You're almost twenty, Sophia."

"He's twenty-three - like you," I informed. "It's not like he's underage."

"You do have photos of him plastered on your wall." Bryce's mouth fell open. "I can't look at you the same."

My love for the boyband New Kids On the Block was active during my formative years. Since I started college, it calmed down. I didn't hail myself as an ultimate fan anymore. Brooklyn and I had gone to their concert three years ago, but I had no interest to go to their Face the Music tour that was going on now.

"I'm sorry that came off pretty harsh," Bryce said. "How has your birthday been so far? You must've had a busy day."

"I stayed at my mom's house for a while and then hung out with my friends for the second half of the day. It's been a nice day so far," I retorted, scooting closer to the window. "I didn't expect for you to show up."

He flashed a smirk and said nothing. A blue glow glossed his face, making his green eyes a deep turquoise shade. The combination of them both struck me in the chest. "Would you have liked for me to not show up?"

"No, I didn't mean it in that way. I didn't think you were going to be here - that doesn't mean I didn't want you here. It's just that with what happened..."

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