Another day at Guildin University

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Rayna's P.O.V

Beep! beep! beep! beep!

"Fuck you."I muttered angrily at my alarm clock 

"Couldn't have given me 5 more minutes!"

I stretch pulling myself out of bed 

 I start towards my closet , picking out my clothes for the day when my ringtone for my best friend Alex sounds and I begin to sing along. 

I chime in with a haven't you people ever heard of,
Closing the god damn door

No- my singing was interrupted by a banging on my door

 "SHUT UP RAYNA THE NEIGHBORS ARE COMPLAINING." I roll my eyes at my older brother whos visiting from the college

 "Oh Shut it Kyle like they like your shower singing to chandelier any better." He bust open the door and begins singing 


He exclaims after I maybe kinda might have threw a pillow at him.  I roll my eyes"Oh stop being a big baby and get the hell out of my room."

 He huffs pouting "I am not a big baby " I roll my eyes no longer paying him attention but giving my attention back to my clothes "Mhm okay." 

He finally exits my room and I begin to get dressed In black skinny jeans ,a black and white off the shoulder shirt and a black red and white button up wrapped around my waist.

 I pull my curly brown hair into a ponytail with a strand of hair in front of my face. 

After putting on my black combat boots I look in the mirror making sure to cover my visible body parts with concealer.

 Satisfied with my look. I start my way down the stairs and start towards the door.

 "KYLE WHERE ARE THE KEYS!"I shouted from downstairs as he smugly comes downstairs swinging them on his finger. 

"You mean these?" I stormed to him trying to grab the keys but he put them above his head." Ha Ha short." 

He smirked till I kneed him to ensure that I dont end up with any nephews that look or act like their father.

Taking advantage of the oppurtunity I snatched the key while he was bent over. 

 "I'll be taking these." 

I said as I walked out the door leaving my brother hunched over. 

 I 'Borrowed' his  car which is his pride and joy and one of the many things our grandfather left for him after his passing, 

Kyle left it here for me while hes in college since he's got no use for it when he's deployed and he knew how much I adored it. 

Little does he know our parents are only letting me use it because he's here

Sometimes he's the only thing that reminds me we share the same parents.

Considering how differently they treat us... 

 I sped down the street passing starbucks. 

 After about 10 minutes I pulled up in front of my college about to park in my usual spot when I noticed a matte black car with dark tints. It was nice

Looks expensive 

 I was admiring the car when the window rolled down and I was face to face with what had to be the most attractive man I've ever seen.

RAYNA - His Achilles HeelWhere stories live. Discover now