"Luhan, where are you going? You can't go to your class like that. You still need to rest", - Harriette

"Harriette, I can do this. I called Xiumin yesterday, he will pick me up this morning to go to our university. I'll be okay I promise", - Luhan

"Just be careful walking around and call me if you need anything okay?", Harriette said. Luhan thought that since he was almost two weeks absent in his class which might affect his grades in his university, Luhan went back to his university even though his left leg was still not yet fully heal. Harriette still want Luhan to stay at home for him to rest but she trust Luhan that he will take care of himself. At Luhan's university his class schedules are already done but his friend Xiumin was still on his other class so Luhan waited for him at the canteen.

"Luhan! Luhan I really need to go now. My mom called me and asked me to pick up my grandparents at the airport!", Xiumin left already and Luhan was just speechless. Luhan's motorbike was still damaged because of the accident that happened to him two weeks ago and he's a little scared to drive his motorbike again because of the accident so Luhan decided to just walk since he has no money to ride a taxi.

Since his university was a little far from his home, Luhan's left leg was getting a little painful since it was not yet fully heal after the surgery. He was about to cross the street but the pain on his left leg was getting worst that he can't walk properly anymore when a car who passed by the street saw him so she came out of her car to help him.

"Excuse me, sir are you okay?", the woman asked.

"I'm fine it's just a small bruise", Luhan was trying to stand up and pretend he's fine but when he was trying to stand up the pain on his left leg got worst so the woman helped her to stand up and walk but every time the woman looked at Luhan, she realized he is familiar to her.

"You're Harriette's husband right?", Yura asked. Luhan looked at her trying to remember her.

"I'm Yura, don't you remember at the restaurant before? I'm with Kris", Luhan remembered her and he was supposed to get away from her but he can't walk properly.

"It's okay. I'll take you to your home, it's dangerous if you're walking at the streets like this", Yura said. Even though Luhan was a little embarrassed and he knew that she was Kris' friend, since he really can't walk he just accept Yura's help.

"I heard that you had a motorbike accident", Yura said while driving. 

"You knew what happenned to me?", - Luhan

"I just heard it from Harriette when she went weeks ago in our office. Me and his brother Kris work at the same company", Luhan looked at Yura confused why Harriette went to her brother's office two weeks ago.

"Harriette went to see Kris?", - Luhan

"You don't know?", - Yura

"I don't know she didn't tell me anything", Yura and Luhan arrived at Luhan's home already and parked her car but still, Luhan stayed in her car to talk about why Harriette went to see Kris.

"Harriette talked to her brother Kris about hospital bills and she asked for money from him but he refused to help her so since I felt sad about Harriette seeing her I--", Yura didn't know that Harriette didn't tell Luhan that she begged and asked money from Kris for Luhan's hospital bills to pay. Yura was still not yet finish talking to him when Luhan went out of her car already.

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