Meet tazuna

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Naruto stood beside his teammates and sensei as the third stared at the fox as he realized it was the Kyuubi by the dreadful familiar Chakra was spilling out the demon who smirked at him. " um uh Naruto ? ' he eyed the demon as if it would attack, he then looked to kakashi who nodded giving the okay as he decided to confront him later.

" can't we have a different mission , these D ranks are getting us no where " complained Sakura breaking the awkward silence.

" now now Sakura " kakashi started , " she's right these missions are really petty and chasing a cat around is tiring since I think it gets smarter each time " Naruto pipes in really wanting to explore outside the village.

" yeah what the dobe said " sasuke caught on. "The third sighed considering it, " if you give us one I'll show you how to make paperwork easier " Naruto smirked as the old man was up and in front of him , " you got a deal " he said as the blond smirked evily shaking hands with the hokage.

" huh ? " Sakura said as she was ignored.

" alright bring in our client " the third orders as the assistant nodded and went into the waiting room, a minute later a drunk old man holding a bottle of sake came in, " this here is tazuna from the wave country, he's an bridge builder and needs protection " explained the third as the old drunk looked at them with a crucial eye.

" a bunch of brats ? A pink haired and brooding brat and the one with the fox looks to be stupid " he slurred as Naruto gave a killer glare causing the drunk to shudder. Naruto hated drunks since they were the worst to beat him as a child and among other things.

Kurama growled dangerously as he noticed the small fear his kit held for the drunk, ' if he tries something I'll kill him ' he thought as the team left to get ready and be at the gate in an hour.

Line break

Naruto waited on top of the gate doors as kurama was now the size of an average dog and sat beside him his nine fluffy tails swaying behind him.

Sasuke was second to show up and waited on the ground not noticing Naruto at all or if he did he didn't say anything. Sasuke was bored since he was the first normally it was Naruto who was first?

Speaking of the blonde .... he has been acting strang, first the reading then the matureness and calm, the fox wasn't that band from the village ??? Then he won't even tell or try to talk to us?

Sasuke head began to hurt from thinking as Naruto jumped down from his spot.

Sasuke looked up and gave a small gasp at the blond who glared at him with slit blue eyes, Naruto no longer wore his orange jumpsuit but had on a black tank top with a black cloak over it and anbu style pants with a chain, he had on combat boots and fingerless gloves with an ring that had a red jewel intoned in it.

" Naruto !? " he gasped as the blond smirked. " yo " he said as the Raven kept himself from gaping. " what happened to you ? " he asked , " mmm? Oh just got tired  of that damn orange shit , I finally found something to actually wear since the local stores wouldn't sell me anything to wear " he shrugged,

" that said it was easier to spot me when on a fox hunt " he added as kurama jumped down beside him.

Sasuke nodded still surprised and added that to his list. " so where the other three ? " asked Naruto as sasuke shrugged. " sakuras probably in the mirror " Naruto sighed and sat down Indian style and waited.

Soon kakashi appeared with tazuna and Sakura who latches onto sasuke who tried to escape with his life including life.

' oh great ' Naruto thought scowling as he could feel anger rising in him as he watched the scene play out, in truth he had feelings for the raven haired boy but kept it to himself since there was no way in hell that he was gay and fall for him of all people.

Naruto sighed as the two ran around in circles for nearly ten minutes before he intervened and grabbed them by the back of there shirts and lifted them up with hidden strength even though he was a foot shorter was able to do it.

" cut it out " he warned as Sakura eeped out as she met blue slit eyes belonging to Naruto who glared causing her to shudder.

Kakashi narrowed his eye at Naruto who dropped them both on the ground. Sakura was first up and looked at her teammate who had his arms crossed looking at her. " Naruto what the heck happen to you ! " she gasped as he rolled his eyes.

" like I told Teme here I finally got rid of that dreadful mask " he said voice was soft but hard at the same time as he no longer yelled or talked loudly like before which confused them even more.

Was this the real Naruto ?

" well okay then let's get going , we're already losing daylight " said there sensei who wanted to get going.

Naruto agreed already anxious to explore but hid it well with blank look.

The six headed out the gates toward the wave country.

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