Reading ?

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Sasuke was having a good morning , he had woken up , had breakfast and a morning training, somehow avoided the crazy fangirls meaning mostly Ino  Yamanaka and Sakura Haruno.

He couldn't help but feel it was to good to be true?

That was until he stumbled onto a very peculiar sight. There under a large tree on the training ground 7 was a blond boy with bright blue eyes wearing an orange and black jump suit sat criss cross apple sauce under the shade of a tree was non other than Naruto Uzumaki.

Only one thing was out of place...... He had a book in his hand?

Sasuke thought the world was ending as he watch the boy read , he seemed so focus?

Minutes passed as Sasuke watched from afar then decided to confront the boy. But before he could there was high pitched squeal causing him to turn around to see non other than Sakura Haruno who was waving to him with a faint blush on her cheeks and a cheery smile on her face as she called to him.

He cringed as he decided to confront Naruto later now he had to run to survive the beast. Yes even though he is thought to be the brooding type on the outside he still has a mind on the inside.

Hidden love ( Naruto x sasuke fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now