I giggled and as Charlie suggested, I bought my bag pack and brought the sunflower doll with me just because it's so cute then I went to the local park. Once there, I looked around to see of Charlie was there but instead I was greeted by Spencer

"Hey Elise!" she greeted

"Hey!" I replied "Have you seen Charlie?"

"Yeah, I think she's at the merry-go-round, at the playground"


Spencer smiled and nodded then I made my way to the playground. When I got there, there was no Charlie on the merry-go-round instead there was a medium sized plush doll of Blu from my favorite animated movie "Rio" and there was a note at its beak, I took it out,

I smiled as I start to read it, ""You make me sing like a bird, Dizzy in my head..."

Glad you found Blu, He's starting to get lonely and so am I, get going, I can't wait to see you! =) - <3 Charlie"

And once again, the next destination was written at the back: Rhythm and notes music shop.

I packed Blu inside my bag and excitedly went to the local music shop

"Hey Elise!" Owen, the owner, greeted "Charlie wanted me to give you this" then he handed me a recently released album of my favorite band The Script, the note was attached at the back of it,

""You make me spin like a record, crazy on a Sunday night..."

I know how much you wanted to buy this so, here it is, come and find me so we can listen to it together! - <3 Charlie"

I put the album in my bag and went off. The next destination was In the Limelight Dance Studio, when I found out the next destination, I was very excited to get there. That is the dance studio where I took and danced Ballet when I was 7 years old and it was one of the happiest moments in my life

When I entered the dance studio, I was overcome with nostalgia, the place was renovated but the same calming and exciting aura was still there. I was looking around when I heard someone call me, I turned and saw Melissa, the daughter of my former ballet teacher

"Hey, good to see you" Melissa said as she gave me a quick hug

"Good to see you too, it's been a while" I replied with a smile

"More like years" she giggled a bit "oh, you're friend dropped by earlier, she wanted me to give you this" and she handed me a music box and a photo of Charlie and I during Halloween when we we're kids, I was dressed in my ballerina outfit while Charlie was dressed as an astronaut

"That friend of yours seems very sweet" Melissa commented

"She is" I smiled as I looked at the photo, "I've got to go, let's catch up sometimes"

Melissa nodded and smiled then I left the studio. Outside, I opened the music box and a ballerina popped up and started moving around, I was looking for a note but there wasn't one, then I checked the photo, the message was written at the back of it

""You make me dance like a fool, Forget how to breathe..."

We look cute, don't we? =D I hope you like the music box, the ballerina reminds me of you, can you come find me now so we can slow dance? I'll be waiting - <3 Charlie"

I carefully placed the music box inside my bag and went off. The next destination was the sweet stuff bake shop. Once I got there, one of the workers motioned me to sit at one of their tables and gave me a plate with a slice of my favorite dessert, honey cake. It was decorated with edible gold shaped into a heart.

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