Chapter 6

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One hour later...

I checked all the classrooms, and I've found nothing. Nothing whatsoever. I am starting to lose hope. Maybe I made a mistake. Maybe my pencil and eraser aren't at the school. Maybe I should go look somewhere else – or give up.

No. No matter what, I'm never giving up. Well, not until my two weeks are over, anyway.

I walk to the school gates, but then I stop. I haven't searched the whole school yet. If I leave now, that's just as bad as giving up.

Sighing, I turn around and walk back to the school. I decide that I should look in places that are less obvious, like the gym.

I hate the gym. It's where PE is. I hate PE.

There's no one in the gym except a few kids setting up something. It's probably for the school play or something. Or is it a musical? I don't know...

But that doesn't matter. I need to find my pencil. I walk through the maze of props that they've laid out on the stage. It doesn't seem to be in any particular order, so I don't feel guilty moving a few things around. And plus, they can't possible see the things move from all the way over there.

There are a few instruments, which I have to be careful not to touch. Even the slightest contact will make a sound. I check under and around them, but nothing. Half the stage done! One more half to go.

I can't find anything on the other half either. I check backstage, and around the seats, but there's still nothing.

I walk out of the gym. I use the door backstage, because it doesn't look like anyone is leaving anytime soon. If I wait for them, it'll just be a waste of time.

Next I decide to look on the oval. There's only a tiny chance that it'll be there, but I have to look everywhere.

Just as I though – nothing. There wasn't anything on the court or in the gardens either. It took me a while to search all the gardens, but eventually I did, getting nothing but a few scratched from the roses and splinters from the benches.

Dejected, I sat on a bench. I got some of that cloth from the front office that stops infections, and wrapped it around my finger (where the splinter is). Hopefully, that doesn't get infected. That's the last thing you want when you're invisible. There's no one to treat you.

I'll keep looking when school opens again. I don't like the idea of being here alone ay night. In the day it's fine, but I have Nyctophobia (fear of the dark). The bell rang an hour ago, but there are still people here. I need to find a place to stay for the night.

I go to our local shops, and steal a banana. You have to forgive me for stealing, because you would do the same in my position.

I chuck the banana peel in the bin and make myself a bed out of leaves in a garden. The shops are in front of me, so I won't feel lonely.

I close my eyes and sleep.

The sound of footsteps wakes my up. It's still night-time, but there's someone in the gardens. Where I'm sleeping. They're running around and shouting unintelligible words.

I ignore it, until they step on my stomach. Actually, it was more like a jump than a step. The person looks at me. He's clearly drunk.

"What're yous doing' in the gardn' beds?" He asks. He can see me?

"Y-y-you can see me?"

"'Course I see yous!"
I stare in astonishment.

"Git. Out!"

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