"Derek.." Julia says, she steps away from him and turns around, Derek stands up making Julia turns and grab his neck, Anlia quickly grabs Julia and throws her across the room.

"Here is a little bit of a news flash, Julia.. the Lunar Eclipse does not affect the undead." Anlia says as she slowly walks up to Julia. "Try with your power, try to kill me.. you know I will not die.." Anlia says, Julia tries to use her power to push Anlia backward but fail, the Eclipse slowly passes over and the Werewolves gain their strengths back.

"Anlia.." Derek says stepping up beside her, his eyes a steel blue. "Her 15 minutes are up." Derek says, Scott stood up from the ground and rushes towards Julia only for her to toss mountain ash around her.

"As I told you Derek, either you or the parents, Well I guess I will just have to take them now." Julia says, she looks at Scott. "In a few minutes, they'll be dead and I won't need a lunar eclipse even to kill a demon wolf." Julia says, Scott lifts his hand and moves them closer to the invisible barrier of mountain ash. "You've tried this before, Scott.. I don't remember you having much success." Julia says, Scott begins pushing against the barrier but Julia only smirks, Scott begins pushing harder, his eyes turning yellow as he continues to try, Julia loses her confidence as his eyes turn red and he steps into the circle barking the barrier, Julia falls to the ground before quickly sitting up. "How did you do that?" Julia asks.

"I'm an Alpha now.. whatever you're doing to cause the storm, make it stop or I'll kill you myself." Scott says, Deucalion got up from the ground. "I don't care what it does to the color of my eyes."

"Do it or I will." Deucalion says, Anlia quickly speeds up to Julia and rips her throat open making the decision to kill Julia herself before Deucalion convinces Scott.

"Taken care of.." Anlia says softly, she looks over her shoulder at Deucalion. "You finally got what you wanted.." Anlia says, she steps over Julia's gagging body and walks towards the entrance of the building as Scott takes out his phone to call his friend, a few minutes later Scott hangs up.

"My mother told me you were a man of vision once." Derek says as he and Scott both look at Deucalion. "We're letting you go because we hope you can be that man again."

"But if you're not, than having your eyesight back won't matter." Scott says. "Because you'll never see us coming." Scott says, Scott and Derek turn around and walks towards the entrance.

"Are you going to be okay, Anlia?" Derek asks, Anlia nods her head. "Call anytime.." Derek says, Anlia once again nods her head and he leaves with Scott.

"Anlia.." Deucalion says, he walks up behind her. "Look at me.." Deucalion says, Anlia turns around to face him. "I am incredibly sorry.." Deucalion says, he wraps his arms around her. "Why did you do that?" Deucalion says.

"I needed to.. even after what you did to your pack, I'd still kill for you, even if it means that she's going to haunt me." Anlia says, she scoffs and pulls away from the embrace. "I guess I'll see you around..." Anlia says and turns around, she walks out of the distillery.

"Anlia!" Deucalion says following her. "Anlia, wait." Deucalion says and grabs her hand making her stop. "Don't leave... I'm going to need a lot of help to become my old self again... I was hoping you could help me with that." Deucalion says, Anlia turns to face him again. "Will you help me?" Deucalion asks, Anlia sighs.

"Promise me one thing first." Anlia says.

"Anything." Deucalion says.

"Promise me to never allow power to get into your head again.." Anglia says.

"As long as you promise me, if she is haunting you.. you'll tell me..." Deucalion says, Anlia crashes her lips against his, he responds by pulling her closer to him.

Scott and Derek walks away from the Distillery leaving Deucalion and Anlia alone.

"Why'd you tell her to call anytime?" Scott asks.

"Because she killed." Derek says.

"Doesn't she always kill? For blood at least, to survive?" Scott asks.

"This is different, Scott." Derek says.

"How?" Scott asks.

"Because Jennifer was a Darach.." Derek says. "Evil Druids and good Druids haunt vampire's that kill them.."

"What does that mean?" Scott asks.

"It means.. Anlia's going to have a long couple of years, Jennifer will be haunting her, she will torture her without anyone seeing it... But Jennifer was still alive when we left.. hopefully Anlia comes off easy.." 

The End.


I told you guys this would be a short story

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I told you guys this would be a short story.. to be honest I know nobody really likes Deucalion but we can't let him feel left out.. or I am just a weird person but anyway, this was actually made for my enjoyment but I hope everyone else enjoyed it just as much as I did.

Thank you for reading.

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