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1982 -

Anlia runs through the forest to her next destination, it was time for a change of scenery and it was time to leave everything behind, she wasn't aging which made the human's suspicious about her.

Suddenly she was tackled to the ground by a body and then several different claws scratched her body, she screams out in pain and tries to fight off her attackers only to fail and end up being hurt more, a loud strong growl suddenly interrupts her attackers.

"What is going on here?!" A male voice yells, the werewolves back away from Anlia and looks at their Alpha.

"She's a trespasser." One of the werewolves answers. "Not to mention that she's our natural enemy." He adds on, Anlia pushes herself up against a tree feeling her wounds healing.

"It is no reason to attack her, I have a vision.. a vision of peace, Marco." The Alpha says. "This is very disappointing, I thought I made it clear that I want peace, not war." The Alpha says, he looks at his pack and shakes his head in disappointment. "Go home, I will deal with you lot later." The Alpha says, the pack slowly leaves while the Alpha slowly walks up to Anlia. "I apologize for my pack's behaviour.."

"A werewolf apologizing? since when?" Anlia asks.

"You've been attacked before." The Alpha states. "They have tried to kill you.. I can sense your distrust in me but I give you my word, I will not harm you." The Alpha says. "Not even if I wanted to.. my name's Deucalion." Deucalion says, Anlia looks at him as he crouches in front of her.

"Why should I believe you? you could be lying to me.. you're an Alpha." Anlia says.

"Because I have a vision of peace.. I only wish to live in peace with human's, hunters and even other supernatural creatures like yourself." Deucalion says, Anlia stares into his eyes.

"Anlia.. my name is Anlia." Anlia says.

"What a unique name.." Deucalion says. "Anlia, would you like to accompany me back to my home to freshen up?" Deucalion asks, Anlia glances down at her clothing.

"Yes.. I would appreciate that.." Anlia says, Deucalion smiles and helps Anlia up.


Present -

"When we arrived at his home, I was escorted to the bathroom and he helped clean, he was absolutely compassionate back then, he actually cared." Anlia says, she was telling the twin brother's the history of her and Deucalion. "He requests that I stay the night to rest and heal up completely before resuming to my journey to the next destination." Anlia says. "One night turned into a week and a week turned into a month and before we knew it.. years have passed.. and I was happy." Anlia says smiling a little. "But with happiness, there is always a price to pay.. his beta.. despised me, he wanted me gone."


1987 -

Anlia laid in Deucalion's bed, she had been attacked by Marco once again, he disliked her and convicted Deucalion's entire pack to do so also, they despised her but they knew they could not kill her, so they only harmed her knowing she would heal before Deucalion saw... but today was different.

"How long has this been going on? I specifically told you all not to harm her." Deucalion says loudly, Anlia could hear the pack meeting in the living room. "She is my mate! how dare you hurt her."

Beautiful Monster ❖ DeucalionΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα