Blue Sparks

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...hi...i'm not dead I swear.....


Finding the place was no big deal. But getting past all the traps elaborately laid out to stop them? Not fun in the least. The group was now in a ridiculously huge cave that had been hidden with a powerful genjutsu. The anxiety was starting to get to Sakura, her movements got sloppier, her breathing hitched. For a spilt second, her mind went blur and next thing she noticed was that she had triggered a kunai trap. Swiftly, the raven-haired teen pulled her down behind a rock, her chest smashed against his face unintentionally. 

"O-oh sorry! And um...thank you." Sakura flushed in embarrassment, lifting her torso away from Sasuke who coughed uncomfortably. 

"It's alright, it was an accident anyways," Sasuke avoided eye contact with his former teammate, head to the side. 

Sakura's head snapped up suddenly when she heard a loud tch. Sasori, in the protection of Kise, lightly slammed Sakura's head against a smooth part of the rock with some chakra strings, effectively getting her to be more aware of her surroundings. "Don't you dare lose focus, kid." Sasori growled lowly. The pinkette gulped and nodded obediently, trying her best to calm her nerves. 

Sakura wasn't the only one who felt uneasy. Kakuzu actually felt nervous. He was worried as to why they hadn't met any hostiles throughout their hour long journey trying to maneuver around in the almost pitch black cave with nothing but his torch leading the way. Kakuzu wasn't one to be the leader, especially at times where his own brain was unreliable and succumbing to self-inflicted anxiety. However, in this situation, Sasori (the only other experienced nin) was fully occupied with trying to keep Sakura from messing up and probably falling to her own demise and coping with his own worry for his former partner. 

Kakuzu had a lot on his mind. He was leading these teenagers into hell itself, completely blind. He soon started to doubt the possibility of these two scientists even being in this cave. The cave was probably just a treasure trove, explaining all the traps and no guards. Of course if Hidan were there with just Kakuzu, the two would have no hesitation to go hunting for some good money hidden in a cave, but the was just somehow more to this cave than what met his eyes. It was like the calm before the storm. Sooner or later, when they were all completely exhausted, maybe this 'Yuraka and Sumi' would pop up with their robot-zombies and eat their brains out.

"Hey, I'm getting really bored ttebayo. What are we looking for anyways?" Naruto voiced, stretching his arm over his head.

"Yeah, same here. Are you sure this is the right location, Kakuzu-san?" Sasuke asked the older man. Kakuzu sighed and turned to face Sasori and the teenagers, his torch flickering. "To be completely honest, I have no idea as to what we should be looking for either."

Sakura suddenly snapped her fingers. "I got it! What if we blow this place up?" Sasori gave her a stern look, basically telling her how ridiculous her idea sounded. "That's not a bad suggestion actually," The Uchiha said, humming in thought. "If any enemies come out to defend, we'll know that what we're looking for is probably further in, and if there's no reaction we can quickly move on to the next location and start again."

"And what if we injure the brat and moron in the process? Did you think of that, smartass?" Sasori spat his words at Sasuke who kept a rather stoic face. "Sakura could always heal them, right?"

"Are you exploiting my amazing skill, Sasuke-kun?" Sakura mockingly batted her eyelashes at Sasuke, like how Ino and Karin would.

"God-damn it Uchiha stop putting your faith in her." Kakuzu said.

"My ego meter is so high right now," Sakura laughed only to regret losing focus when Sasori slammed her head again.

"Well, fine then. Don't blame me if Sakura's clumsy ass gets caught in the blast," Sasori clicked his tongue and made his way behind the group.(( "Hey Sasori-danna that was cruel." "Does it look like I even remotely care?"))

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