Squad Goals

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My Beach Boy: Hey, you coming over today?

Me: I can if you want.

My Beach Boy: Or I can come over there. Doesn't matter to me.

Me: Mom's not feeling good today. I'll come over there.

My Beach Boy: Okay. What's wrong with her?

Me: She gets these really bad migraines.

My Beach Boy: Does she need you to stay home?

Me: Nah. All she does is nap when she feels like this.

My Beach Boy: Okay then. See you in ten?

Me: See you in ten. (:

  I got ready and told mom where I was going. I walked over to Ryder's and texted him.

Me: Come to the door. I'm here.

My Beach Boy: Just come in. Mom won't care.

Me: What if she sees me and thinks I'm just super rude? I don't wanna do that.

Me: Ryderrrr

  Ugh. I decided to just go on in. I opened the door, and luckily no one saw me just rudely let myself in. I went straight up to Ryder's room with no one seeing me.

  "Ugh. Ryder." I said, barging into his room. "See? Wasn't so hard. Now you can do it all the time." He said. I playfully rolled my eyes and hopped onto his bed to lay down next to him.

  He's laying on his bed with his laptop on his stomach, I'm assuming he's watching Netflix since that's the only thing he uses his laptop for. "What're you watching?" I asked. "Well we're about to watch episode 2 of that show we started the other day. "Glitch?!" I asked excitedly. "Yep!" He replied. "Yesss" I said. Glitch is a Netflix original that recently came out that Ryder and I watched episode 1 of the other day. It's really good. "Aww. You haven't watched any without me." I said, cuddling up next to him. "Of course I haven't. We started this together, so I'm not gonna watch any without you." He said sweetly. Aww. He's so sweet and loyal. Even if he is just talking about a Netflix show. I giggled and he snuggled up next to me as it started.

  Halfway through the episode we heard a knock on Ryder's door. Ryder paused the show. "Who is it?" He yelled. The door opened a crack. "It's Sam. Lydia and I wanted to know if you wanna go to Izzy's with us." She said, with the door still only cracked. "Do you wanna go to Izzy's?" Ryder asked me quietly. "We can if you want to." I said. He sat in thought for a second. "Yeah, I'm feeling some ice cream." He said, sitting up and shutting the laptop. "Yeah we'll go!" Ryder yelled. The door opened all the way and Sam peeked her head in. "Oh hey Rileigh" She said. I sat up. "Hey" I said, smiling at her. "Be out in 5" Sam said to Ryder, and closed the door behind her.

  "Wow did you hear that? She was actually kinda nice." I said to Ryder who was putting his socks and shoes on. He laughed. "Yeah she was." He said. I scooted my sandals together and slipped them on. "Ready to go?" Ryder asked, standing up and holding his hand out for me to hold. "Yep!" I said, taking his hand and following him out of his bedroom. Sam and Lydia were sitting in the living room waiting. "Ready?" Ryder yelled to the two girls. They both stood up and we all went out the front door.

  We started walking down the street on our way to Izzy's. Ryder and I swung our arms as we held hands and laughed. I could see that evil little red head rolling her eyes out of the corner of my view. Lol I wanna choke her.

  We got to Izzy's. Sammy ordered hers and paid, Lydia ordered hers and paid, I ordered mine, and Ryder ordered his and paid for both of us. Cookie dough as always. We sat down inside and ate together. The only words that were spoken the whole time was either between Ryder and I, Ryder and Sam, or Sam and Lydia. Oh, and occasionally Sam would say something to me. And surprisingly, she didn't say anything mean. Maybe she doesn't actually hate me like I thought.

  "Hey Ryder remember when we came here with your mom and she tried to do the 15 scoop challenge?" Sam said, laughing. She actually seems like a nice person now that she's not acting all weird. Ryder started laughing. "Oh my gosh. Yes." He said. "What's the 15 scoop challenge?" I asked. "They give you a bowl of 15 ice cream scoops of your choice and if you eat it all, your whole order is free. But if you don't, you have to pay for the 15 scoops, as well as your whole order." Sam informed me. "Ohhh I've heard of that." I said. I started laughing when I imagined Petra trying to eat 15 scoops of ice cream. "Did she eat it all?" I asked. Ryder laughed. "No, she only ate like 9 scoops of it. But still I was impressed." He said and I laughed. We all got done and threw our trash away before going back outside.

  We started walking and we passed these two boys who looked about our age. They looked at Sam, Lydia and I and Ryder grabbed my hand, pulling me closer to him. I giggled.

   "Did you think I was gonna get stolen?" I said to Ryder once they passed. "No but they were checking you out." He said.

  "Hellooo" Sam said, waving her hand in front of Ryder. "Two other girls here that they could've been checking out." She said. I laughed and Lydia smirked. "Maybe we should go find out" Lydia said to Sam as she stopped walking. "You wanna turn around?" Sam asked, stopping in her tracks with a grin. Lydia nodded with a smirk and they both started giggling and walking the opposite way that Ryder and I were going.

  "See you at the house!" Sam yelled. I laughed. "Wow. They are very.. junior high girly." I said once they were gone. "Yes. That is very true." Ryder agreed.

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