First Real Move

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  Jack and Jill is a really funny movie. But I noticed that since Ryder is here, I'm laughing harder than I did before. He just makes me so happy.

  It's only about half way through the movie, and mom got up from the couch. "I'm getting tired. I'm gonna go to bed if that's okay." She said. I got nervous butterflies in my stomach at the thought of being alone with a boy. At least I think they're nervous ones. I can't even tell the difference anymore. "Uh, I.. I guess it's okay." I said. She sat the remote down in her spot and folded the blanket up that she was using. She draped it on the arm of the couch. "Goodnight Rileigh." She said. "Goodnight." I told her. And she walked out.

  It's only Ryder and I in here now. I can't tell if I'm nervous or excited. I haven't scooted over into my mom's seat, and Ryder and I are still sitting pretty close. I don't know if he wants me to move over, or if he'll get offended if I do. I don't want to. But I don't want him to be uncomfortable either.

  I scooted over a tad bit, just for precaution. I didn't realize that I was cold until I shivered. I rubbed my bare arms, since I'm wearing a tank top. I looked over and grabbed the blanket that mom was using earlier. I unfolded it and draped it over my cold body. Ryder looked down at it, then up to me. "Mind if I share?" He asked. And my stomach did a complete 180 flip. I had to hold back a smile. "Oh, not at all. I should've offered." I replied with a quiet laugh, picking up some of the blanket and throwing it over onto his lap. He chuckled and adjusted it, scooting closer to me as he did so. I smiled to myself and looked down, sneakily looking at how close we were. Our legs and arms are touching, and when he laughs or moves, his arms rub on mine.

  "I'm kidding! I'm kidding!" The guy on the TV said with a heavy Spanish accent, making us both erupt into laughter.

  When I leaned back in my seat after laughing, I leaned back on what felt like an arm around me. Omg. Omg. Omg!!! His arm is around me! My stomach got all fluttery for like the thousandth time tonight, and I slowly and stealthily leaned closer to Ryder with a small smile on my face. I was really fighting the giant smile that wanted to creep onto my face, because I don't want to look creepy if he looks over at me. I brought my legs up onto the couch and leaned into him, acting completely natural about what's happening. Even though that's not what's going on in my head.

  His fingertips are resting on my bare shoulder now, and I got goosebumps from the contact. Every time Ryder laughed, I would feel his body shake  with laughter from underneath me. Can time just stop right here, and right now?

  We're pretty much cuddling now. He still has his arm around me, and I'm leaning on him. The movie only has about 15 minutes left. It's currently at a quiet and emotional part. He started slowly moving his fingertips in a circle on my shoulder. Chills took over my body from the one gentle movement.

"Hey" he whispered, looking down at me. I looked up at him.

He just stared at me for a moment.

"I like you." he said.

My heart skipped a beat, and a smile crept onto my face.

"I like you too." I said.

  He smiled at me and pulled me closer. He kissed the top of my head, and I wrapped my arm around his torso. I smiled a huge smile. He's so perfect.

  My head was laying on his chest, and I could hear his breath slowing down. The movie just ended, but Ryder hasn't moved or said anything yet. His breathing was slow and steady. I gently lifted my head from his chest and looked up at him. His eyes are closed and he's fast asleep. Aww. I got out my phone and checked the time. It's only 10:36. His curfew is 1. So I put my head back down on his chest. I closed my eyes and listened to the calming sound of his heartbeat. My eyes fluttered shut, and I fell peacefully asleep.

  I awoke to Ryder shaking me gently. "Hey. It's 12:45. I gotta get home." He said. I sat up from his chest and ran my hands through my hair, moving it from out of my face. He stood up from the couch and stretched. His shirt lifted up slightly and I could see his toned abs. Wow. I've been cuddling with that. I stood up from the couch too and rubbed my eyes. When I opened them, Ryder was folding the blanket, and looked at me with a smile as he did so. I shyly smiled back. He looked back down, folding the last part of the blanket and draping it over the side of the couch.

  We both started walking towards the front door. We got there and he turned around to face me before opening it and walking out. He smiled at me as he looked into my eyes, "Goodnight, Rileigh." He said. I smiled back at him. "Goodnight, Ryder."

  He opened the door and left. I watched him walk over to his house through the front door window and I smiled a huge smile. Man, that boy makes me happy. I thought to myself. I turned around and went to my room once he was inside. I tucked myself in and thought about the whole night. It was hard to get to sleep, thinking about him. How sweet he is. How adorable he is. How perfect he is. And just like that, my eyes fluttered shut, and I was fast asleep, once again.

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