Izzy's Icecream

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We walked for about 15 minutes just holding hands and laughing about stuff until we got to Izzy's ice cream. The best ice cream shop around. He opened the door for me and I walked in, him following behind me.

"Hello. Welcome to Izzy's ice cream. What can I get for ya?" The lady at the counter asked us. I looked at the menu. "Umm I think I'll have a small cookie dough in a cup." I told her. "Okay. And is this order together?" She asked, motioning to Ryder and I. "No" I started to say, but Ryder interrupted. "Yes ma'm." He told her politely. I gave him a look and he looked over at me. "It wouldn't even be a date if I didn't pay for you. Just let me." He said. I rolled my eyes and then smiled at him. "Thank you." I said. He nodded.

He ordered the same thing as me and we watched her scoop the ice cream into the cups. She handed it to us, and Ryder payed. Then we walked out.

"So." I said, walking alongside Ryder on the sidewalk. "Where are we going now?" I asked him. "What do you mean?" He asked. "That was it. The date's over now." Ryder replied. I looked at him. "..oh okay um that's fine" I just said trying to sound casual about as I stirred my ice cream. He started laughing and I just looked at him confused as to why he's laughing randomly. "I was joking. But the next place is a surprise." He said. I laughed too. Thank goodness.

We just kept on walking and eating our ice cream until we finally got to the place. "We're go cart racing?" I asked, excitedly. "Yep!" He said, smiling brightly at my happiness. We walked inside and threw our trash away in the trashcan. Ryder paid for the time we were going to spend here and they told us to go ahead out to the track.

We went out to the track and followed the arrows on the ground until we got to a gate that said entrance. We opened it and went in.

We're the only one's here. I walked over to a cart and buckled up. Ryder did the same. I picked the very front one and Ryder picked the one behind me. A guy was standing by the controls and he told us we could go. I put my foot on the gas and sped forward. I went around a couple curves really fast and crashed into a wall. I turned my head to look behind me and when I did, Ryder passed me. I slammed my foot on the gas in an effort to catch up to him. He slowed down and acted like he was gonna let me pass, but then he would speed up again. He thought it was hilarious. He was dying laughing.

We raced for a long time it seemed like, but our time finally ran out and our carts slowed down. We parked them, unbuckled, and got out.

"That was so much fun!" I said. "It was! Even though you were beating me most of the time." He said, and rolled his eyes. "You know it." I said, and laughed. We thanked the people and left.

When we started walking again, Ryder randomly grabbed my hand and I blushed as he did so. He looked at me and laughed. I looked over at him. "What was that laugh about..?" I asked, as I blushed again. Ugh. Why do I always do that?? "That. You're blushing." He said. I used my other hand to try and cover my face. "I can't help ittt" I said, and took my hand back down. He laughed at me. "You're so cute." He said. My stomach got instant butterflies, my smile got bigger, and my face got hotter, and redder. "There it goes again." He said, as he laughed and squeezed my hand. I laughed along with him and swung our arms as we walked. Man, I like this boy.


Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter! I've been busy lately but I still wanted to update for you guys! Thanks for reading!

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