"Last time Michael tried to help you, me and him got blown up and almost died. Do you really blame him for not wanting to help you? And I wasn't talking about that. I was talking about you kidnapping me and locking me in that room" I ask and she doesn't say anything for a moment then sighs heavily.

"I started the fire because Michael told me to do it. But I didn't realise he was still in there at the time and he was the one who told me to put you in there"

"Micheal told you to kidnap me and try and kill me!?"

"He said he was getting bored with you and umm..." she pauses "he was the reason your parents died and he was the one that threatened Mary and told her to make you work there for him"

"He was responsible for the crash? And what happened to me?" I mutter and she nods "he wanted some more girls working for him and he thought you'd make him some money. He was the one that owned the brothel not Mary"

"Did Mary tell you to say that?"

"No. I was in on the whole thing to until I found out he'd been fucking the girls there and wanted out of the whole thing but he wouldn't let me" she shakes her head "but, Michael didn't know me or my parents before Mary sent me to the brothel"

"Yes he did. How else would he have set it up for your parents to get in a car accident" she shrugs

"If he knew who I was then how do you explain him being so shocked when I told him what was going on and when he found out I was only 15 at the time and if you really was in on it then you'd know full well my parents didn't die in a car accident"

"Umm... I...."

"Mary already tried that story and it didn't work. So why don't you tell me the real reason you tried to kill me?"

"Because I wanted you dead... duh!"


"You really wanna know why?" She frowns and I nod.

"Beacuse You ruined my life and you stole My husband from me!"

"No I didn't. You and him were divorced and he came to me and you can't blame me for all the bad things that happened in your life. Your not the only one to have gone through some shitty things you know"

"So you had to fuck a few men. Big deal" she shrugs. "You have no idea about the life I had. Mary told me all about you and your perfect little life. You had the perfect parents and the perfect life and lived in a big beautiful home and had rich parents giving you anything and everything you wanted! Even after they died you got a 2 million dollar inheritance for gods sake! So don't sit there and play the poor little victim just because you fucked one or two guys! I was the one that suffered. I had nothing growing up. I didn't have a rich mommy and daddy taking care of me and doting on me. My dad walked out and left me and my mother with nothing! We had to move from place to place and had to struggle to pay bills and buy groceries. I didn't even have a stable home until I met Micheal and you stole him from me!"

"I didn't steal Micheal from you! He came to me and you and him were long over before that! I snap. "So you had some money issues as a kid. So what! You wanna talk about shitty childhoods!? My mother spent her childhood having to watch her father die of a heart attack and then her mother drink herself to death and my dad didn't even know his dad and him and my aunt Mary had to grow up in an orphanage and were beaten and raped on a daily basis because their mother was to fucked up on heroin to give a shit! Yes I had a great childhood and my parents had alot of money, but you know why? because my parents worked their ass's off and earned what they had and they wanted their child to remember her childhood filled with love and happy memories because they didn't want me to suffer to go through the pain and suffering they had to and I'm truly greatful for that and I'm not going to apologie for that either. So don't come at me with your little sob story because you not being able to pay a few bills isn't an excuse to try and kill somebody!" I snap and she doesn't say anything.

"And as for that inheritance I got! if that's whats bothering you so much...then take it. I have done nothing to you, but if giving you my inheritance is what it's going to take for you to be happy leave me alone then fine! I'll give you ever penny if that's what it takes because I really don't care about it as much as you obviously do"

"Of course you don't care about it because you still have micheal and his money. If you really want me out of your life then you'd give Michael back to me"

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that" I shrug "Micheal doesn't belong to me just like no human belongs to anybody. And I can't physically force somebody to love you or make them want to be with you"

"But you could have just stayed away from him. You could have left him along time ago and if you had then none of this would have happened and micheal and I would have been back together and I never would have been where I am right now you have no idea how much I've suffered and..."

"Oh my god!" I snap cutting her off "You think your so hard done by and that I've never suffered!? Why don't you try finding out your parents were shot and stabbed to death and the one that did it forced you to work in a brothel when you were a 15 year old little girl and then  have that same person have you beaten and gang raped before selling you to somebody! Then come and talk to me about suffering!"

"W- what?" She stutters surprised "I guess Mary didn't mention that part?" I say sarcastically and she shakes her head "I had no idea" she mumbles. "I-i'm so sorry that happened to yo....."

"I don't want your pitty" I cut her off "the only reason I came here was to ask you to change your plea back to guilty, but you know what? I really don't care anymore more. If you had any good in you then you wouldn't have done what you did to me in the first place" I shrug and get up to leave.

"W- wait!" She calls me back and I ignore her and keep walking.

Michael's POV

"How the fuck does she do these things so easily?" I sigh heavily still trying to escape the room on one of games on Leanne's phone. "We must have missed something" The defective sitting beside me says, trying to help me figure it out. "We couldn't have. There's no where else to check" I frown getting annoyed.

"The keys behind the poster" I hear a familiar voice "hey! Your back" I smile wrapping my arms around Leanne. "So how did it go?" I ask and she shrugs and smiles at me through pursed lips. "Lets go home" I smile and she nods and follows behind me.

"I'm guessing she not changing her mind?" I ask as we're the way home. "I have no idea" she sighs and tells me everything that was said.

"Hopefully she will change her plea, but I'm not counting on it" Leanne Sighs. "But least you tried and you got to say everything you've wanted to say to her for a long time" I smile at her through pursed lips and she smiles back the same way and I can tell she's upset about the conversation she had with Lisa.

"Do you wanna go to the arcade?" I ask changing the subject. "Sure!" She smiles "it's been a while since I kicked your butt in that place"

"I only because I always LET you win" I lie. "Yeah, sure you do" she rolls her eyes playfully and I turn the car around and make our way to the arcade.

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