Chapter 14

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Travis's light flickered out. Engulfed in darkness and in a bewildered state, Travis raised his eyes to the tempestuous clouds above. The rain hadn't come yet, but soon it would. Travis relit the flame, a difficult chore with shivering wet hands, and then reached in his pocket for any scrap of paper to burn—anything to help them stay warm for the night.

Captain Danko's suggestion of taking shelter in the helicopter's remains had been met with disagreement among the other members. Travis thought the idea of sleeping on the blood-soaked floors hardly conducive to a restful atmosphere. While they debated, Captain Danko ordered them to collect firewood to help keep them warm and dry for the night, but the rain had been relentless and everything on the island was soaked, refusing to light. Reaching for flares, Ren sliced open his finger on the serrated edge of the broken cabin doors which were peeled away like the lid of a tin can. He cursed under his breath and stuck his finger in his mouth.

"We can send a distress call. The Coast Guard shouldn't be far," Ren suggested. "At the very least the black box will send a signal to home base."

Captain Danko stood with Santiago outside the co-pilot's seat inspecting the control panels.

"The communication system is looking pretty bad and emergency services aren't required to have black boxes installed."

"You've always got to be such a downer," responded Ren.

With the lighter on one hand, Travis reached in his pocket and felt a narrow, cylindrical object—the red crayon. A memento of Rebecca's that he could keep with him at all times. Now it would serve another purpose. Snapped during the crash he held one piece between his fingers. With the flick of his thumb the lighter's flame illuminated the bloody, mud-drenched expressions of his team who watched him with curiosity.

"Going to draw us a map?" Santiago teased as he sorted through the rubble. Angrily, he kicked a piece of scrap metal and then looked around before giving up and came to rest with his elbow against the helicopter's broken shell.

Travis ignored Santiago's cocky attitude and focused steadying his hands to light the crayon's paper wrapper.

The paper ignited almost immediately and the crayon burned like a candle.

Santiago offered a bemused smile while Jonah moved toward the flame like a moth in the night.

"Cool trick," said Santiago. "Where'd you learn that?"

"My wife. The crayon is made of paraffin wax. When lit it burns like a candle." Travis guided the glow of the lit crayon to his backpack to find flares and medical supplies.

"You're married?" Zahra asked.

His posture stooped and a dull ache formed in his chest making it hard to breath as he thought of his uncertain future. He turned away so the others couldn't see the pain in his eyes. "Not anymore," he said.

There was a heavy silence among them. Travis thoughts turned inward and he withdrew from the others indicating his desire to be left alone. Zahra turned back to inspect the insignias.

"What are you doing?" Santiago asked. "Shouldn't mess with things like that."

"What exactly do you think that is?" asked Zahra.

"It's a curse," Ox said. "Some island voodoo shit. That's what it is. Gonna make your eyes pop out and your skin will wrinkle like a dried apple. I know about shit like this, don't you watch Discovery?"

"I don't have cable," Zahra replied. "It might be beneficial to collect evidence."

"Evidence of what?" Santiago asked.

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