Chapter 13 - Falling Stars

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The pasture was still except for a dozen or so vehicles parked all around. Some had telescopes set up on the ground, some families just laying out in sleeping bags, talking. Everyone was watching the sky waiting for stars to fall.

Jack stepped around the truck to help Ashley out, then he started to set up their picnic. Due to having to endure Maggie's pregnancy, Jack was prepared. He had several extra pillows to help with the ever changing positions needed for a pregnant woman's comfort. Again, he asked himself why he cared. This girl was going to cause him all kinds of legal problems, all kinds of problems in general, why did he care if he could help her be comfortable. He asked himself this question once more, but once more he could not come up with any answers.

She ate like a herd of starving calves. Jack was wondering if he brought enough. "Have you been traveling long?" Jack asked as she polished off the last of the potato salad. "It was a long ride from Jay. We must of stopped in every town with more than ten people in it." Ashley answered without taking offence to her overeating. She hadn't eaten since breakfast and it was well after 10 pm. She needed food for her and the baby and she wasn't going to be ashamed for getting it.

"So you came straight here?" Jack asked trying to avoid the elephant but still being so curious he couldn't stand it. "It's what you told me to do. If I needed anything just come ask for Will Cooper at the Veterinarian's office and he would find you." Ashley said around another piece of chicken. This put more pieces in the puzzle instead of clearing anything up. People in town knew of his friendship with Will but it really wasn't interesting to anybody. Back to ignoring the elephant.

They talked about nothing and everything, Jack felt an attraction to this girl. He could feel himself being drawn in. He wanted to know more about the way she thought and he loved to listen to her giggle. Everytime Ashley moved the conversation to the baby he skillfully moved it back onto the stars, or any other topic that came to mind. It was the stars and the chill that finally moved them together for warmth. When Jack's body tucked Ashley's in to keep her warm. He felt a possession that he could not explain. He wanted this, he wanted her for as long as she would stay. Jack figured he was going to cause himself more heartache but the ease of her body in his and the smell of her skin talked to him. His body responded to her, his need to kiss her neck outweighed his need to protect his checkbook.

Jack came up for air with a question on his mind. "Ashley, honey, how old are you? Not that it matters right now, but someone may ask." Ashley looked at him, and stretched up with "Twenty-six," but when Jack looked at her with doubt she fessed up to "Nineteen." "God, I hope you are not fibbing because honey, I am twenty-seven and really don't need any jail time in my future." Jack explained as he kissed her on the lips. Something within her called to him and he could not stop the idea of needing to be with her, to take care of her.

The light show started and people could be heard oohing and ahhing with the colors and numbers of shooting stars. After twenty or thirty minutes Jack heard a light snore coming from Ashley's side of the blankets. Jack made sure she was covered and warm but then snuggled into her and watched the stars fall. He didn't know if it was possible but if it could be the slightest chance that this baby was his, he would be a very happy man. How could he get his hopes up only to be eventually disappointed. If she thought the baby was his - would it matter if he knew differently. Could a relationship based on a lie survive? He only thought his life was complicated being the third wheel to Will and Maggie, how could he handle his own drama too? All Jack knew was that it felt really good to hold her in his arms and watch her sleep. Up until she walked into the bar he wouldn't have even said he was lonely and yet if she walked away right now Jack knew he would feel the loss for quite a while.

Jack was deep in thought when Ashley started to stir. She was disoriented and needed to go to the bathroom. Jack tried to pick up their stuff and take her back to town but she found a tree and took care of business. When she got back Jack took her to his house. He thought twice about it but remembered his father's warning that she was an important crossroad in his life. Paul was never clear on those visions, but he was never wrong either. It was irritating to have a father that acted like he saw into the future but never gave you any hints. Paul had collected Ashley's suitcase and brought it to Jack's guest room. Irritating that he knew that his son would follow his advice and find out what she needed. Paul showed her the guest bathroom and the kitchen where she grabbed a glass of milk with some cookies.

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