Chapter 9 - It's Time

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Will snuck into his bedroom much like a teenager trying to sneak into the house after an all night party. He didn't like leaving Maggie this late in the pregnancy but he could not ignore the stock either. Complicated births required a doctor and an experience rancher. Fortunately he was both. Will quietly shucked his clothes and scooted under the sheets and blankets without turning on a light. As his hands reached out for his wife he found the blankets empty. This was not normal. When he left at 9:30 p.m. to help with the calf, Maggie was in bed, sleeping like the dead. She didn't normally move again until morning. He could count the times she had gotten out of bed on one hand. Something needed to be investigated. Will got back up and started looking for her. Not in the bathroom, dressing room/closet, not in the kitchen, but he grabbed a piece of chicken out to the icebox for a snack while searching. It was then that he heard the hot water heater click on. Someone was using hot water at two in the morning, most likely his wife because his parents were sleeping in the opposite wing of the house these days to give the newlyweds some privacy.

As he walked into the downstairs bath, he was surprised to find his wife in the tub. "Why didn't you use our bathroom, babe?" Will asked chomping on the chicken.

"I didn't want to worry your mother. I swear every time I have an ache or pain she wants to drive me to the doctor. Poor Dr. Forney thinks I am the biggest worry wort that ever lived." Maggie complained.

"Dr. Forney knows, it's my mother. I think she has him on speed dial at home, poor man. He must get five phone calls a day from her, making sure everything is okay, and ready to go." William assured her as he finished his chicken.

"You coming to bed, or do you want me to join you in the bathtub?" Will asked lifting his eyebrows suggestively.

"I know you are not going to fit in this little tub with me! It's so small, I don't even know if I can get out?" Maggie shrugged."I was thinking about that when you popped in. You are my knight in shining armor come to rescue my large butt from a skinny tub. Oh, be careful babe, my back is killing me and this baby is so huge I don't even think I should try to get out of the tub without a crane." Maggie said with concern

"You know, I hate to be helping my naked wife get out of the tub and dry her off. You are such a tease. You tell me I can have sex but then you fall asleep during foreplay."

"Once, I fell asleep, once and I will never hear the end of it!"

"Here let me help you step out, but I think you broke me" he said as he leaned in for a kiss."I may never be able to get excited again. Oops... maybe that was an early call, I can feel the stirrings of someone who is happy to see you, wet and naked." Will said as his hands glided down his wife's body. He grabbed a towel off the towel warmer and started to dry her body. As he moved in front of her and kissed her lips the grimace on her face gave no boost to his feelings of love making but instead made him feel that he was doing everything wrong.

"Crap that hurts," Maggie cringed.

"What hurts,honey, did I do something?"

"Yeah, you got me pregnant, idiot, but more than that I think we need to head to the hospital. Things just don't feel right. I am all achy and wierd. Oh, Oh, OH, Damn it!"

"Do you have clothes down here or do you need me to run and grab some."

"I have pajamas on the floor somewhere."

"Not anymore they are wet, you sit on here on the toilet and I will run upstairs to grab you some warm clothes."

Breathing out slowly..", William Cooper."

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