Chapter 8 - Family Money

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Maggie sat on the porch letting the sun wash her face and arms. It was good to finally sit down somewhere. She could feel the beat of her heart in her feet. They must be twice the size of normal. She put the ottoman close to her chair so that her feet could be elevated just as Will had told her to. "If you are going to rest, put your feet up and slouch in the chair. It will help the swelling," she could hear him lecture. God, she hated it when he was right. This felt like heaven. Now the idea was not to get caught doing what he had told,her to do. The door opened and she could hear the clank of the ice in the glasses.

"You really don't have to wait on me, Gladys, I'll get it myself." she exclaimed but was enjoying her rest too much to open her eyes. Lips came down to hers and she knew she was busted. "It's not Gladys, she knows how much it bugs you to have her bring in things so she told me to take a break from straightening out the accounts. " He said with a grin, "feet still pounding, I have some ointment in the truck."

"Will, I am not one of your patients, I only have two legs," she explained as if he didn't know.

"Well, sometimes animal medicine is better than people medicine," he popped back.

"I am not going to use any of those ointments until a baby doctor tells me it is okay. See big belly, baby does not like chemicals" she said sarcastically.

Will laughed as he sat down across from her and started rubbing her feet. "Big belly? baby? Here I thought you were just getting used to married life and getting fat on me. You mean your pregnant?" he exclaimed fitting off a smile.

"You are a butt, William Cooper " was all that Maggie would say, "cars coming." Will turned his head but kept on rubbing Maggie's feet. She so rarely allowed anyone to do things for her, that he was going to take advantage of the moment. As he turned his head he recognized the car. It was the sheriff. He didn't want to leave right now and he wondered why the sheriff hadn't called. As the car got closer Will resented the idea of going on an investigation with the sheriff even more. He could have at least called, so Will would have had a chance to say he was busy. He could call the real doctor over in Mitchell, it wasn't too much to request with Maggie so close to delivery. Will headed down the porch to intercept Sheriff Dan Mason.

"What's up, Dan, could have saved you a trip with a phone call,working from the house till the baby is born." Will said shaking Dan's hand.

"Not here to see you, Will, came to say hello to Margaret." Sheriff Dan explained, showing Will a subpoena.

"What's that about, Dan?" Will asked trying to keep Sheriff Dan off the porch so he would not upset Maggie. "Let me do my job, Will." Sheriff Dan skirted around Will and went up to serve Maggie with the papers. He didn't like this part of his job but it had to be done. Maggie stood up and walked over to the stairs hoping to make it a little easier on Sheriff Dan but also curious as to why Will was so upset. "Margaret Elizabeth Driscoll-Cooper, you are served." Sheriff Dan said to make it official.

"What's this about, Dan?" she asked hoping it was not what she expected. "It's the will, your uncle is suing you for the ranch."

"No, it's not the will, Dan, it's the fact that I married a Cooper and he doesn't want the Driscoll lands to become Cooper lands." she explained.

"Maggs, that was dead with our Grandfathers. You know that those lands will always be yours. They are your land to pass to our children. Hell, I will have my lawyers draw up any papers you need to make sure that they stay yours and then go to the baby." Will assured her.

"It's not me, he is worried about Will, as she patted her belly, he doesn't care that the baby is half Driscoll, he hates the Cooper's and always will. Giving the land to the baby is giving it to a Cooper in his eyes. " Maggie explained.

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