Chapter 11 - The Family

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The strategy meeting was held in Will's makeshift office in the house. It was a mess because Edna refused to come out to the ranch more than three days a week with her sister in such a state. Now that her sister would be living with Will and Maggie it would be more of a daily visit to the ranch. Will was pleased to see that she was organizing, it was not one of the things that he enjoyed and really relied on Edna to get it done. She was the motor that kept his office running, so he could concentrate on the animals . There were papers and bills that she was sorting through and making piles like a beaver building a dam. She was a whirlwind of activity, and added to every side conversation as it was needed. It was amazing all the facts that she had stored away in her little bulldog brain.

"Ernie never was in a good light with your Grandfather, Maggie. John Driscoll left the Amish Church to come out West with your grandmother but he never left his beliefs. He did not approve of Ernie's lifestyle. John Driscoll believed that you had to work hard and keep your head down to the grindstone. He didn't like old Isaiah W. Cooper because he was the one that taught Ernie to gamble. Brought into the lifestyle of fast money, and alcohol. Ernie chose the easier life, rather than stay on the ranch and work for a living," Edna explained. "Ernie won and lost everything that was his at the poker table. Some days were good and others were very lean. That horse thief has never been in anything with his own money or risk. Ernie is as slick as your parents were good people." Edna explained though not missing a beat getting William's office in order.

"I have been doing a lot of research with the older ranchers and trying to find some type of paperwork to show a paper trail proving that Ernie never had anything to do with the Far Side and it's running. I have receipts from and to John and to your father, Garrett but never any receipts with Ernie's handwriting or name." Paul explained showing all the copies he had collected. "Since Ernie did not contest your John's Will, it seems like an uphill battle to contest that Garrett's only heir would not inherit."

"He would not and could not contest Grandpa's Will because Grandma died after him. She would have beaten him within an inch of his life. My father gave his life to the Far Side, he never thought of anything else, Grandma would not have split it to give to any to Ernie. It broke her heart that he never tried to put an olive branch out to Grandpa John." Maggie added.

"That's it!" Edna exclaimed as she was going through a pile of paid receipts. Everyone looked at her like she had just declared there was ice cream on the desk. "I do not want to make you cry Maggie, but which of your parents died first?"

Maggie looked puzzled. "I don't know, why would that come up? It is really not something I ever wanted to think of. I want to think they went together." Maggie started to tear up at the thought of her parents accident. "I don't think this is something I ever asked."

Will grabbed her and hugged her. Paul grabbed her hand and told assured her, "I will find out and see if it helps us. Don't worry about it."

"Thank you, Paul, I really don't want to know." Maggie whispered.

"I will take care of it for you, Maggie." Paul reassured her.

"That should be a good lead with the receipts showing his non-involvement, but we need to keep looking. We need to make sure that there isn't any stone left unturned. He will be crafty and would not have started this suit if he didn't think he had a good chance at winning it." Will gave the orders as people started to leave the office. Maggie just seemed tired. Will hated bringing up all these sad memories but he knew that she would be devastated if the Far Side went to Ernie and was sold or subdivided. It was her contribution to their children's inheritance. It was their legacy and he would not let it go easily.

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