Chapter 31 - Lunch to Munch

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This is short and sweet.  But, it's here! and it shows that a positive habit of writing more regularly is being established, yes? *hopeful look*

Thank you for all the votes and comments, you keep me going :D

Lunch was going to be delicious, I had no doubt of this as I perused the offerings on display. The bell above the door was still tinkling faintly behind us, Kota and Victor flanking me. There had been a brief moment before we'd left the office where they'd looked across the reception at each other, as if surprised to see the other. I had yet to catch Anon's eye when the bell gave second ring to welcome another customer to the bakery, someone stepping in close behind us.

It was more the reaction from Kota and Victor that had me turning to see who customer that followed us in was.

"Lunch time is it?" Sean smiled warmly at me, "I haven't eaten yet, do you mind if I come along too?" He was looking at me as he asked, and I had to make the effort not to glance to Kota or Victor to double check.

"Sure, the more the merrier." I started mentally going through my possible explanation to Anon as to why we had three extras for our lunch date she had quickly insisted on in our messaging. My mental acrobatics weren't necessary though with Anon spying us and hurrying around the counter, throwing her apron behind her as she rushed towards us. Her steps slowed to a stroll as she took in Victor and Kota beside me "This will be a table of four then?" Her expression was welcoming and if not for the devious twinkle in her eye or the spontaneous smile she was trying to hide I might have thought our lunch was going to be a mild affair.

"No, if it's possible a table of five?" I turned to indicate Sean as he stepped forward, attaching himself to the group as well. "This is Dr. Sean Green, Sean, this is my friend Anon." I felt unsure as again, Kota and Victor seemed to take a step back and were allowing me to dictate what was happening.

"Charmed." Sean's eyes held an answering twinkle as he gave Anon a smile.

And thus began the most entertaining, lunch date of my life.

The conversation never stopped, it rolled smoothly from one topic to the next, Kota's dry comments bouncing perfectly off Victor's observations while Sean added in with cheeky, almost flirtatious comments, always directed at me. It gave my floundering self-confidence a boost to be treated as a valued person, someone which people wanted to spend time with, even if it was just lunch.

The afternoon that followed was hectic, Victor commandeered my computer as something was sending up an alarm. The hole in my job created by my missing computer was filled by Gabriel ringing, asking random questions and Silas successfully persuading me to help him with his paperwork. Why Gabriel needed to know what I ate for lunch, how comfortable North's bed was and what I was wearing tonight I will never know.

All along a slow anticipation began to build in my stomach, something was hanging in the air filling me with restlessness. Was it excitement about tonight? There was no work reason for us to be together. It was new territory for me, going together with Nathan, Silas and Gabriel, bowling. I didn't know how to express the feeling that was overtaking me.

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