Chapter 10 - I'm Confused

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This chapter is dedicated to TWINKLES! For all your support and encouragement. It's been unwavering from the very beginning. You've also been my sneaky sounding board, helping me clarify things. Thank you so much :D

Wattpad has been playing up on me, changing spacing and missing words. I have tried to fix it, but sorry if I've missed some.

I wrapped my arms around him, blinking away tears, "I just wish it didn't happen at all."

Kota's arms tightened imperceptibly around me at my words. I knew we were in the reception area and it wasn't professional of me to be standing here embracing Kota, but I needed the comfort he was providing. I wanted to return that same comfort to him. Maybe, this once, it was okay to be standing here like this.

I was beginning to realize the importance to a person's emotional wellbeing physical affection and touch could bring. The comfort of a hug, a hand to the shoulder, a finger traced over a cheek, they were beginning to bring a comfort and peace into my life I had never experienced.

The faint sound of the door closing jerked my head up. Kota didn't flinch, standing comfortable with our position.

I twisted my head around and stared aghast at the sight which greeted me. Mr.Blackbourne had entered the reception, flanked by his two bodyguards. All three maintained perfectly expressionless faces as they looked at us.

"Owen." Kota's voice in greeting was a rumble against my ear.

I gently tried to extract myself from Kota but his arms were unyielding.

"Mr. Blackbourne." I choked out, with a strained smile, discreetly trying to wiggle myself further from Kota.

He gave a muffled grunt and reluctantly let me go. I stepped slightly away and straightened my skirt.

There was a curious silence as I glanced up. Mr. Blackbourne's steel gray eyes were on my hands as I brushed away invisible lint.

I straightened and forced my hands to stay still.

"Sang. Kota." He nodded to us each in turn.

Kota broke the silence, his confident voice showing his complete ease with the situation, "Are you ready to discuss the case?"

Mr. Blackbourne gave a nod before heading down the hallway towards Kota's offices. Kota squeezed my shoulder before following, leaving me to face the two bodyguards stationed at the door.

Giving them a tense smile I began collecting the broken pieces of lamp into a pile before rummaging through the tearoom to find a box to transfer it into. I gazed uncertainly at the spray of blood decorating the wall. It wasn't pretty.

The phone on my desk began ringing, indicating an internal call. I leaned over the desk and plucked up the phone, holding it tentatively to my ear.

"Sang, I'm on my way out. I'll clean up that mess." Luke's voice was devoid of his underlying cheerfulness.

"Thanks Luke. I was happy to clean it, just not sure what would be best for...blood removal."

The crash of the phone into the receiver was my reply. Picking up the box with the broken lamp I carried it down to the tearoom. I tucked it beside the bin before hesitating.

There was something so wrong with Luke not being cheerful. It was his nature, even in his seriousness to have a ready twinkle in his eye or a cheeky remark. Yanking open the overhead cupboard I pulled out the herbal teas until I found his chocolate stash. Selecting a handful I returned the teas and made my way out to reception.

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