Chapter Eleven!

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I leaned against the door, listening the the contant beeping of the machine. Three months. She'd been out for three whole freaking months. Daisy has been staying with me and I never let her out of my sight unless it's with Charlie. That's where she is now. Charlie took her this afternoon so I could have some time with Nivvy. 

I leaned off the door, taking the short strides towards her bed. She looked deadly beautiful lying there, even with the tubes coming out of her arms. It pained me to see her this way and I miss her so much. You have no idea how much I regret doing everything I did to her...

"Hey baby." I whispered, kissing her forehead as I eased into the chair next to her head. I grasped her cold hand in mine, watching her closely. "How are you today?" Stupid question. "I miss you, Daisy misses you. Hurry up and get better, baby. I want to make it up to you, want everything to be ok. I love you, ok? Never, ever forget that. You are the only person I will every love, bar Daisy." I looked down at my lap as tears rolled down my cheek. "I love you baby. So damn much." I flinched as someone put their hand on my back. 

"It's ok to cry." Ty whispered to me, smiling sadly. I matched his smile, sniffing as more tears fell. I couldn't help it as they came in tidal waves. Ty wrapped his arms around me, giving me the hug I needed. "It's all going to be fine, Mason. Nivvy loves you, you love her. Everything will work out, I promise." I sniffed, looking up at the younger boy.

"Really? You really promise that?" I asked, sounding like a small lost boy.

"Will all my heart." He answered, smiling down at me sadly.

* * * * *

I walked into my house, sulking slightly. I hadn't actually spoke to my mom since Nivvy got admitted to hospital. I had sort of blamed everything on her and... Well, everytime we spoke I snapped at her. 

"DADDA!" I smiled brightly down at Daisy, picking her up. 

"Hey! How's my favorite girl doing today?!" I asked, smiling at her. 

"Fine!" She grinned back. "Can we get ice cweam?" She asked, looking so innocent. I smiled back. 

"Sure, of course we can." She giggled as I kissed her nose. I grabbed my car keys, wallet and phone. "Charlie! I'm taking Daisy out for ice cream!"

"Okay! I'll phone if anything happens!" I nodded before opening the door and grinning down at my daughter. 

I strapped her into her seat in the back, putting on a childrens CD I bought and smiling lightly as Daisy began to sing along. I sang along too, because I knew the lyrics. Daisy looked so happy, so innocent. I pulled into Dairy Queen, grabbing Daisy out the back and carrying her into the ice cream restraunt. 

"And what would you like?" I asked her as we walked to the front. 

"Cwoclate!" I grinned at her, looking up at the girl server. 

"Can I have two chocolates, please?" She nodded back, smiling lightly at Daisy. 

"She yours?" I grinned at Daisy, who was playing with my hair. 

"Yeah." I answered, holding her close to me. 

"She's cute. Where's her mom?" I flinched slightly. 

"Hospital." I gulped, taking the two pots off her. "Thanks." I handed her a ten, telling her to keep the change before taking Daisy to a booth. She sat on the table as I fed her, getting ice cream on her nose. 

She squealled as she wiped some on my cheek, making me laugh at her. 

"No way, Mason Tilly?!" I looked away from my daughters cheerfull face to a group of people by the door. 

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