Chapter Uno!

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"Ugh!" I groaned, getting up. A arm was around my waist, and I looked over to see the guy I slept with last night. Good choice. I got out of his grasp, quickly pulling my black dress on and grabbing my heels. I grabbed my purse, took some of his money and left a note telling him that. I got a cab home, and walked inside. 

"Nirvana, where have you been?" My mother screached. I rolled my eyes at her. 

"Mom, im 21. I dont need you telling me off everytime I come home a little late." I said, throwing my heels under the stairs. 

"A LITTLE?!" My mother yelled. I ignored her walking into the kitchen. I drank some OJ, messing up my blonde hair and wiping my make up off. Tyrone, my brother, came downstairs. 

"Hey sis." He smiled at me, yawning. I smiled at him, kissing his cheek. 

"You sleep ok?" I asked him, ignoring my fuming mother in the corner. 

"Ah, yeah. It was ok. What guy did you sleep with last night?" Ty asked, wagging his eyebrows in a teasing way. I smirked at him. 

"Ahh, a hot one." I said, making him laugh. I got changed into jeans and a t shirt, putting some make up on. 

"Nivvy?" Ty called, pulling his shoes on. 

"yaaaas?" I called back, taking a paracetamol. 

"Can you drive me to school?" he asked. I nodded grabbing my car keys. I pulled on my converse, grabbing my sunglasses. I got in the car with Ty. 

"So. Who is your latest girl?" I asked him, driving to my old high school. 

"This girl called Mya. She's cool, I guess. But, She is nothing compared to you." He said sweetly, making me smile. 

"Awwh, Ty!" I squeled, pulling into his school. I stopped the car, hugging him. "Have fun!" I winked at him, as he got out. He rolled his eyes, but laughed. 

"Yeah, you too." He said. I laughed, shaking my head. He walked towards his friends, as I pulled out. I went home, grabbing a shit load of clothes and money. 

"Im going to Charlottes for the week." I called to my mother. She handed me a credit card. 

"Dont waste all the money on booze, dear." She said sweetly, kissing my cheek. I smiled, kissing hers. 

I drove to Charlottes, pulling into her drive way. I opened the door, since she lived by herself. "Charlie!" I called, dumping my pink suitecase at the bottom of the stairs. I climbed the stairs, rubbing my head. I opened her bedroom door, finding her and Drew in bed together, they arms around eachtoher. 

"WAKE UP LOVEBIRDS!" I yelled, making myself flinch. Charlie shot up, making Drew fall out the bed. I laughed, shaking my head. 

"Thanks." Charlie said sarcastically, but got up. She wrapped her sheets around her, and walked into her closet. I walked downstairs, making pancakes. I plated it, grabbing the coffee maker and downing a cup. Charlie walked down, fully dressed and grinning. "Vegas baby!" She squeled, jumping up and down. I squeled with her, joining in. 

"I cant believe you BANNED me from coming." Drew said, wrapping his arms around Charlie. 

"We BANNED you because its a girls weekend." I said, smiling at them. Drew just grinned, kissing Charlie's cheek. 

"Better be off. Xander is expecting a free ride to school and back. Dont worry, Nivvy. I shall pick up your brother." Drew said, bowing before walking outside. I rolled my eyes as Charlie phoned up her privete jet. 


WOOP! tehe!



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