Chapter Dos!

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5 hours later, we were landing in Vegas. Charlie was happy, squeling at everything. I found it highly amusing. We went to the hotel, and crashed for 2 hours before getting dressed up and going out. We hit a club called 'Nighty Four'. It was full, but they made an exception for two 'hot babes', the bouncers words, not mine. We danced for a while, before I went to order drinks. 

"What can I get you?" A man who looked around my age asked, cleaning a cup. The bar wasnt jumping, since this was in the V.I.P section. Charlie can work magic like that. 

"Urm, one red wine and one Amaretto Stone Sour." I said, smiling. He whistled, getting both ready. 

"You must be good with alchol." He said, passing the wine to Charlie who came out of no where and went back to dancing. I winked at him, before drinking some. 

"Oh, I am." He smirked, as I handed him the money. 

"Nah, babe. On the house." He answered, waving to people who just walked in. 

"Thanks." I said to him, sipping it. My phone buzzed, and I lightly felt it. I answered the call. 

"Hello?" I answered. 

"You left me, again." My step-mothers voice rang through the phone. 

"Im sorry, but me and Charls had this planned for 3 weeks! I couldnt drop it for my father." I sighed, replying. 

"I know, honey. But, your mother was having a go at me, blaming me for your drinking habits." She said, concern lacing through her voice. 

I scoffed. "What drinking habits?" I asked. I heard her laugh, and I smiled. 

"Never mind. Look, I will let you get back to having fun. I made your step dad add some more money to your card from me, so have fun! Love ya!" 

"You too." I answered, hanging up. The bartender was talking to a group of guys, who were relitivly good looking. The guy looked over at me, still talking to his friends. From the corner of my eye, I saw them all looking. Some even whistled. Ugh, pigs. 

"You finished?" The guy asked, taking my empty glass. I smiled at him, nodding. He turned round, and I slipped the money in his back pocket slyly. I winked at his friends, who watched. I got up, walking over to Charlie who was grinding on a guy. 

"Ima go outside, fresh air." I said to her, kissing her cheek in a friend way. She grinned at me, nodding. I walked outside, leaning against the brick wall. I sighed heavily.

"Rough night?" A mans voice asked, making me jump. It was one of the guys friends. 

"You could say that." I said, smiling at him. "Nirvana."I said, placing my hand out. 

"Mason." He replied, smiling too.  I glanced at the black sky. "Wanna get outta here?" He asked, looking up too. I nodded, following him to a black Mercediez. 

We drove for about, 15 minutes before pulling into a big beach house. There were lights on, so im guessing his rents where home. He stopped the car, and we got out. We walked into his house, and a distant girls voice could be heard. Mason looked at me, a weird grin on his face. He put one finger to his lips, making a shh sign. I nodded, and he walked into the first room. 

"Mom?" He asked, and the girls voice became louder. 

"Mason! Oh my son, how are you? Have you found your mate? Did you have fun?! Where is your friends?!" I raised a eyebrow, slightly confussed. 

"Urm, im fine mom. Not yet, but I might have. And I had fun." He said, and then whispered something. I just stayed behind, quiet as a mouse. "Ok, by mom. See you bright and early tomorrow." He called, before walking out to me. He pushed me upstairs, smirking as he grabbed my hips, smashing his lips on mine. 

I smirked, responding just as hungrily. He traced his tounge over my bottom lip, and I granted him entrance. He tasted me, while I tasted him. Peppermint and Orange. A weird, but addictive combo. We made out, reaching his room. He locked the door, turning his music on loudly. He pulled my hand, dropping us both on the bed. His lips found mine again, and we made out. 

Well ... some things lead to another...;)


I woke up, looking around the dark room. The clock on the bedside table showed the time. 3:45 am. I sighed contently, rushing to get my clothes back on. I smiled at the boy, kissing his gorgous face before leaving a sticky note with my number on his table. I climbed out the window, landing perfectly on my feet. I sprinted away, getting a taxi. 

I got to the hotel at 6 in the morning. I never even noticed how far away his house was. I got in, hearing Charlie on the phone. 

"No, Drew. I have no clue where she is. FUCK! No, I didnt think. No. DREW!" I heard sobbing, and rushed into the room. Charlie glared at me, before grinning. "NIVVY!" She yelled, hugging me. I hugged back, laughing. 

"Hey, lets get outta here." I told her, smirking as she nodded, totally forgetting her phone call with Drew.

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