Barely A Mother - Chapter Twenty-four

Start from the beginning

As I sat in class, I knew something just happened as everyone whispering, laughing and gasping once they got told the news. I on the other hand didn't have a clue what was going on and the more confusing thing was that as people gossiped they were looking at me. I defiantly knew something was wrong when Hannah burst in the class shouting my name.

"David! David!"

I stood up and brought her into a hug as she looked on the verge of tears. I pulled her away from me slightly, "Hannah what's the matter?"

She barely spoke over a whisper but I seemed to hear her like she was yelling in my ear, "It's Jody!"

I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the classroom, getting her to tell me what happened as we made our way to the medical room which Hannah said Jody was in. She told me that Andrew was trying to get her to talk to him but when she didn't he 'accidentally' spoke about her being pregnant. She was then bombarded by people and then she collapsed to the floor.

We were nearly to the medical room and I was boiling with anger, "I'm gunna kill him!" I growled. Hannah stopped which pulled me back a bit as I was holding her hand. I glared round at her and carried on walking. When she realised I wasn't going to stop, she ran in front of me and grabbed hold of my leg and sat down. As silly as it seems, she actually got me to stop walking.

"Get off Hannah!"

"No! Not until you listen to what I'm going to say." She said adamantly and held on tighter to my leg.

"Fine, only if you stand up first."

She grinned, let go of my leg and stood up.

"Now are you going to listen to me?" She asked curiously, I nodded hoping she would hurry up as I needed to see Jody.

"Good! Now I need you to realise that Andrew definitely didn't tell everyone on purpose. I turned the corner just as he said it and he only said it because she wasn't happy with him and started to walk off... please baby don't hurt him!" Hannah begged as she took hold of one of my hands. It killed me inside to resist punching that so in so but I nodded anyway, I really didn't need Hannah to be upset.

I kept hold of her hand and we walked to the medical room again. As I walked through the door, I saw her figure laying there. Thankfully she was awake now so I let go of Hannah's hand and rushed over to Jody.

"Are you alright?!"

She looked from Andrew who she was holding hands with and talking to, and looked at me smiling.

"Of course I am. I only fainted, no need to worry David."

I looked at her shocked, "Of course I need to worry, and you’re my baby sister I always will worry. I wouldn't have had to worry if someone..." I glared over at Andrew, "If someone didn't spill to everyone that you’re pregnant. Why is he here anyway?!"

She gave me a sad smile, "I know you’re not going to like this but... Andrew and I are back together." I pushed myself off the chair I was sitting in, in anger. How could she do that when he broke her heart?! "David, please don't be angry!"

Tears started to form in her eyes and my heart started to break, I hated seeing my sister like this. Hannah could see how this was making me react so she placed her hands on my arm and directed me to sit back down. She whispered into my ear "Just listen." and then nodded to Jody to carry on speaking.

She did so but she sniffled every so often, "I know you don't want this but we got back together. I love him David and it killed me being without him. When I woke up I made it clear to myself that I truly did love him. I know it was a dare but I've come to realise it doesn't matter now; I've got the twins coming, the love of my life, and amazing family and friends. What more could I need? I know it will take time but I need you to get used to it again as I’m never letting this boy go whether he likes it or not. Please I beg you!" As she finished, I looked into her eyes and realised she meant what she said. I guess I better get used to them being together again.

I nodded and stood up to kiss her forehead, "Rest." was all I said before I left the room.

Hannah followed me and took hold of my hand again. As we walked she suddenly jolted to a stop. 


I turned round confused, "Yeah?"

She silently muttered to herself so I didn't make out what she was saying. She looked up at me again and whispered "Nothing." before carrying on walking with me. Well that was strange...


"Nothing." I whispered.

I'm such a loser, why couldn't I tell David... my boyfriend!

I was going to... but I talked myself out of it. He wouldn't be able to handle it today with what’s happened with Jody. His mind would be elsewhere and wouldn't listen to what I was going to say so that's why I didn't tell him. I'm sure I can keep it to myself for a few more days at least.

I will tell him though.


Hey I hope your happy that I uploaded! As you might know, this is the only story I'm doing for the time being as I really want to get this finished!! Please, please, please tell me what you think... I NEED to know!!

Thank you for the support so far!

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