Barely A Mother - Chapter Six

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  • Dedicated to Tiffany (my best friend)

Chapter Six



I could barely sleep; I was tossing and turning all night.

What Dawn said earlier was still going through my mind, I really don’t want to find out that I am or not pregnant. It will change my life completely.

This would cause so many problems as well.

I’d have to tell my parents and they could kick me out because I’m only fifteen and I could be pregnant. I’d also have to tell my brother who the father is and he will probably hate me because of it. I’d have to tell Andrew and I haven’t seen him since that night and so I have no idea how he will react. I’d even have to tell people at school sometime, since if I am pregnant sooner or later they will know because of the baby bump and then they will call me ghastly names that I don’t even want to mention. And then there is the biggest problem of all… will I keep the baby?

A few hours have past and it’s now eight o'clock and the girls are starting to slowly wake up. It will take at least two hours to get ready and then it will be time to go to the chemists, all three of us. I have to admit I’m so scared.

What will I do, my life will be turned upside down. I probably won’t be able to finish school; I’ll probably have to get a job that I hate just to support the baby.

A baby… wait my baby! Will I love it when I see it? I wonder what gender it is. Will it look more like me or like Andrew?

Before I could think about it more, my thoughts were interrupted by Dawn. “Jody, are you alright? You look awfully pale.” Her voice and eyes were full or worry.

“Huh oh yeah I’m okay I guess. As good as I can be in this situation.” I picked up a mirror that just happened to be in the tent with us and looked at my reflection. Wow I was pale; no wonder Dawn is so worried.

“Come on lets go inside Grace’s and clean ourselves up and get dressed, we can let sleeping beauty over here sleep some more.” She said and point at the still sleeping Grace. I nodded and took the hand that was reached out at me.

I had the shower first because Dawn had to pick what outfit she was going to wear. (She brought like five sets of outfits with her!)

The shower was soothing and refreshing, like always it helped me think clearly. It helped me get in my head, baby or not I’m going to do all I can make my baby and myself have a good life. I stepped out of the shower and dried myself.

I decided I was going to wear Dawn’s aqua blue thin strapped t-shirt with my darker blue shirt and white shorts, and my gladiator sandals on my feet. I felt and looked good.

When all of us were ready we headed to the chemist after saying goodbye to Billy and Cathy. I started off perfectly fine but every step I took closer, my nerves built.

“I can’t do it guys.” I said standing in front of the grim looking building.

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