Chapter Twenty-Two: The Kiss

Start from the beginning

Dan shook her head softly since she didn't trust herself not to say something completely stupid again. Dan gently placed her hand over Sera's on the side of the cup and swore that she felt sparks as soon as they touched. She tried ignoring it as she leaned down to take a small sip. It really was just as good as Sera had explained but she couldn't really focus on the flavor much. She felt herself get hot as she pulled away from the drink.

"Amazingly fantastic, right?" Sera asked.

Dan looked up at sera and saw that she had her elbow on the table and was leaning her head on her free hand. Almost as if observing her carefully. Her head slightly tilted to the side. "It- it was better than I expected." Dan admitted.

Sera looked pleased with herself and brought her drink back towards herself. "Told you." She said teasingly.

"Yeah yeah." Dan said with a small laugh. "No need to boast about it."

Sera laughed as well and asked, "Is that what I was doing? I just got really glad that you liked the same thing as I did. Nico isn't much of a sweets guy and Max tries to act tough in front of Nico. They would never come here with me and try this."

Dan smiled seeing how relaxed and open Sera was talking to her. "Really? They're like brothers, huh?"

Dan could have sworn that she saw a glimpse of pain flash through Sera's eyes before she was all smiles again, "Tell me about it. It's always two against one, can you imagine?"

Dan chose to ignore it and nodded, "oh yeah. Mikhail and Dylan are the exact same. I somehow always end up the bad guy."

"Right?!" sera asked with a shake of her head. Dan could literally feel her heart thumbing fast against her chest as Sera looked genuinely happy to just sit around and chat with her.

God. Dan hated how fast she fell in love with people. It always proved to be a bad thing in the past. She had followed some guy on the back of his motorcycle only to find out he had been cheating on her. When she came back she told her friends that it was getting dangerous so she came home. She didn't want to worry them. That was her flaw, though. She was always the one left heartbroken after a relationship and was too considerate to involve the people around her. She didn't want to appear weak. Especially in front of mikhail and Dylan who always did their best in everything. She didn't want to be left behind.

"Do you have a fever? You got quiet." She asked and before Dan could answer, Sera reached over the table and placed her forehead against Dan's, "You're a little warm. Are you feeling sick?"

Dans eyes widened at having sera so close to her. She felt Sera's breath on her face. Dan had forgotten how to breath for a couple seconds. She snapped out of it and said, "No." In a quick breath.

"Good. I was worried." Sera pulled back and sat regularly in her seat. "Have you been getting enough sleep?"

"Yeah." A small white lie. Sleeping alone was difficult for Dan so she usually stayed up until her parents arrived home late. Other times, she would go over and spend the night at Mikhail's. Though, she would t do that often. Mikhail had enough to deal with so she didn't want to impose too often. "I was just a bit busy last night."

Dan selfishly wanted Sera to kiss her. Dan wished that she had the courage to move closer when she had the chance.

Why would anyone be interested in someone like you? Have you seen yourself?

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