Chapter Twenty-Two: The Kiss

Start from the beginning

Dan shook her head, "No. I mean- Yeah. I'm fine. I was just lost in thought. Sorry! I didn't mean to be rude."

Sera chuckled, "Don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong" she assured Dan.

Dan looked down at her half empty coffee cup. She felt like an idiot. Sera had gone through all the trouble of inviting Dan out and she was over here ignoring her. Sure, they hung out and spent time together a lot recently but Dan couldn't shake the feeling that Sera was going to call off whatever it was that they had going on.

Dan didn't want that.

Even if they stayed as friends Dan felt like it would be okay. She just want to stay by Sera's side. Deep inside, though, she knew that would never be enough for her. She hadn't realized when it was that she grew so attached to Sera. One day she just realized that she had fallen hopelessly in love with her. Dan had been attracted by the loneliness that appeared in Sera's eyes whenever she thought no one was looking. The way she looked lost as everyone else was laughing around her.

Dan wanted to figure her out but it proved a lot more difficult than she thought. Dan wanted selfishly for Sera to open up to her. She thought that Sera and her were a lot alike. They both felt all alone although they were surrounded by people who cared for them. Dan understood that kind of feeling better than anyone.

"-tired? Did you get enough sleep?" Sera asked which woke Dan from her daydream.

"Sorry! I'm alright." Dan insisted as her cheeks turned red from embarrassment.

"Should we cancel and do this another time?" Sera offered.

"No! Really, I'm okay! Don't go!" Dan said a little too forcefully. Everyone around the small cafe were looking over at them. Dan slid down in the chair and covered her face, "Sorry." She quietly apologized again. Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. She kept telling herself.

From between her fingers, she saw sera wearing a light smile on her lips. "Honestly. You sound like a broken tape recorder. Quit saying sorry."

"So- okay." She said quickly as she almost apologized.

The waiter came back and placed Sera's drink on the table. It looked like she ordered a strawberry smoothie instead of coffee. Sera thanked the waiter and took a sip of her drink. "Mm, have you tried this yet? It's really good."

Dan sat back up, her cheeks still red and shook her head, thankful that the conversation was moving along. "I haven't. Not from here anyway. Aren't they all the same everywhere else?" She asked

"No way!" Sera looked mildly offended. "This place has The Best smoothies around."

"Ahh. Maybe I'll order one later." Dan said. She smiled as she looked at Sera who had gotten offended over a drink. It was like seeing a new side of Sera that Dan hadn't seen before.

"Why go through the trouble? You might not even like it. Just try mine. That way you won't waste your money on the off chance that you dislike it." Sera said sliding over the smoothie to Dan. "They mix it with kiwi and strawberry and banana and even a tad bit  of chocolate. Seriously, once you've had this you won't want to order anything else." She said confidently.

Dan looked at the cup and put her hand over her mouth in embarrassment, "You want me to drink from your straw?" She asked

"Yeah? Is that a problem?" Sera asked curiously, "I can get another straw if you'd like?" She said being considerate.

It wasn't like Dan was a germaphobe or anything. She also wasn't scared of getting some kind of virus from Sera. Honestly speaking, she wouldn't mind if she did. As creepy and gross as that possibly sounded. It was just the thought of them sharing an indirect kiss that got her a bit shaken up and embarrassed. She probably shouldn't have since Sera most likely only saw this as something most friends did. Sera didn't mean anything by it. Dan knew this but there was still a part of her that wanted to believe something else.

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