Request Information

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IMPORTANT!!! Please follow ALL directions or your request will be ignored/completed last

Name: It can made up or your own (NO LAST NAME REQUIRED)

Obviously the boy will be Harold and his sexy, curly-haired self ;)

Other characters (also not required) : Some of us like when the other boys or any other characters are involved in imagines/preferences because it can be funny so if you'd like characters besides Harry (SEXY) Styles then please fill out who they are and what you'd like them to be doing in your imagine or preference.

Personality (not required but it would be nice to have a jist of what kind of character to make) If you don't know what 'personality' means it's a description of who you are/behave. Some people are funny, creative, sassy, caring, (sexy ;) a.k.a Harry is VERY sexy), sweet, insecure etc.

Description: (ALSO also not required, I meant to say also twice so don't JUDGE) : Basically what you look like ; hair color/hair length, eye color, and skin color. THATS IT! Unless you want to include height too or that you have big hands (like Harold) or small feet (like kittens except they have paws xD) Other than that, the description part is covered!! YAY!

Umm, let's see


This is a MUST HAVE! Without it you don't get an imagine! NO IMAGINE FOR YOU W/O This




If you don't include a plot then NO IMAGINE

The only chance you'd get an imagine without including a plot is if I have no other requests

I usually get ALOT of requests so unless you don't mine a LONG wait for an imagine with the lovely Harry then you tetra-titted-tosser tooshie better INCLUDE A PLOT!

If you don't know what a plot is...smh...but hey that's the world we live in

A plot is what you want to happen

I don't care WHERE you want it to happen as long as you make sure you include the 'what' I won't ignore your request :) if you'd like to include the 'where' too then go right on ahead

If you're completely stumped and can't think of any ideas after TRYING SO HARD, just message me and we'll see if we can figure something out but if you're SO lazy that you don't even manage to step into the thinking process then FORGET IT! And I can tell when someone's tried really hard though for some it's easy to think :)

Anyways that should be it

Oh and I ship bullshit but not too much

I ship bullshit with proof and that makes sense xD

Idk whatever


I'll make a deal with you guys..or girls :D Whatever floats your boat

If you can at least come up with a setting but can't come up with a plot then I'll think of a plot to go along with the setting

Sounds good? If not...THEN DEAL WITH IT!

To be fair, I love all of the boys, I mean they saved me and so many other lives. Without them, I'd be nothing but another soul in the sky if you catch my drift.

Getting back on track, I know this will probably end up being long (hopefully not two pages), I will make the imagines and preferences as fun to read as they are to write

Most of all, something to brighten days because I like cheer people up :)

(You are my sunshine, my only sunshine)

Ahem so....I'm looking forward to all of the requests

Have a 1derful day kittens! xoxoxoxo from Harry and me....mostly Harry because I'm saving my kisses for him and hugs for all of you!

Harry Styles (Prefs/Imagines) Book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora