Fishing For Popcorn Or How Harry Needs Better Jokes

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Hi everyone, another short chapter tonight. I hope you enjoy it! All the love, Summer 

When Louis had safely made both of us a cuppa tea, we sat down on the sofa and he pulled me into his side, my head resting on his shoulder. "Again, thank you for being here for me." I thanked him quietly and took a long sip from my tea. Louis chuckled next to me. "If you thank me one more time I might spill some tea on you." I sat up and shot him an indignant look and he pinched my cheek and then laughed at my face. "Did you really just pinch my cheek?" I asked him seriously and he nodded with a wide smirk. "Why did I call you again?" I wondered loudly and rested my head back on his shoulder. "Because you were having a shitty day and thought you need some Tommo to cheer you up?" he asked back and I chuckled and slightly shook my head. "In your dreams, Tomlinson."

We spent the next half an hour telling each other what we had been up to since we had parted ways at the beach. The conversation flowed easily, making me realise just how much I had missed Louis. "I really missed talking to you." I admitted quietly. As a response, he put his arm around me and pulled me into his side. "I missed talking to you, too, love." I smiled and then leaned forward to put my empty mug on the coffee table. I leaned back into him, before I spoke up again. "Thank you for your letter. It really meant a lot to me." I thanked him quietly and I felt him take a deep breath underneath me. "Did, you, um, did you think about what I wrote?" he asked hesitantly, unable to hide the curiosity in his voice. 

I thought for a couple of seconds, before I decided to tell him the truth. "I'm, eh, we... Harry and I kissed on Sunday." There was a long silence and I didn't dare to look up at Louis. "Do you like him?" he asked after a couple of seconds, his tone indifferent. "I do." I admitted quietly, my cheeks heating up. Louis was silent for a couple of seconds. "I hope it all works out for you two." he then said quietly and pressed a kiss to my hair. I let out a deep breath, which I didn't know I had been holding, and reached over to squeeze his hand. "I'm sorry that we didn't work out, Lou. I'm sure you'll find someone absolutely amazing who will love you back the way you deserve to be loved." He gave my hand a light squeeze back before he replied. "Thanks, love, I hope so, too."

Suddenly, I heard the door bell ring, making both of us jump. I untangled myself from Louis and made my way to the front door. When I opened it, a worried Harry was standing in the doorway. "Hi, are you okay? You called, but I was having the photo shoot and then you didn't return my calls and I got worried." He run a hand through his curls and his frown deepened when he saw the bandage around my finger. "Shit, what happened to you?" I stepped aside and he walked into the flat, where he instantly examined me to make sure that the rest of my body was fine. "Hey, calm down, I'm fine. I had a shitty morning because it would have been my dad's birthday, but after you didn't answer my call I called Louis and he took care of me." I gave his hand a light squeeze and he turned his head towards the living room where Louis had just appeared.

"Hey mate." He walked over to us and he and Harry did one of these manly hugs, before Harry's eyes wandered back to me and he shot me a questioning look. "I know about you two." Louis answered his silent question and Harry's eyes widened. "As long as you don't parade it in front of me for another couple of months, I'm okay with it." Louis said with a small smile, which didn't quite reach his eyes. Harry must have noticed that as well, because he took a step towards Louis and pulled him into a hug, this time a real one. "Thank you." he said sincerely and Louis hugged him back just as tightly, before they pulled away. "Just take good care of her and don't screw this up." Louis said in a serious tone and Harry looked back over to me with a fond smile. "Don't worry, I won't." 

After Harry had taken his coat and boots off, he joined us in the living room and we decided to watch a film together to distract me. I ended up sitting next to Harry on the big sofa, while Louis slumped down in the arm chair next to us. We had made ourselves a large bag of popcorn because, according to Harry, you always needed a bag of popcorn when you watched a movie about food and Louis regularly threw some popcorn at us. "Oi, will you stop it already!" I spoke up after a piece of popcorn had landed in my cleavage, taking me at least a minute to fish it out to the amusement of Harry and, particularly Louis, who was howling with laughter in his arm chair.

"Looking for something, Claire?" he asked me with a wide grin and I took a pillow and threw it at him, grinning widely when I heard the satisfying 'flop' when it hit its target. Ignoring Louis' protest, I focused my attention back on Remy and Linguini who were trying to save a soup on screen. "You're no fun. Maybe it's a good thing we broke  up. Harry doesn't really have a sense of humour either." he smirked at us. Harry looked very offended. "My jokes are funny!" he protested and I patted his leg to calm him down. "They are funny, aren't they, Claire?" Harry looked down at me with his green eyes widened and instead of replying I started giggling. "Some of them are pretty good, yes." I admitted and he looked satisfied for a moment, before a frown appeared on his face. "What do you mean SOME of them?" 

Next to us, Louis nearly fell out of his chair. "Oh this is brilliant." he giggled and stuffed another hand of popcorn into his mouth. Harry shot him a glare, before bringing his attention back to me. The film, which was still playing in the background, was long forgotten. "Well, I find a lot of them very funny, but some of them are just really bad dad jokes, Harry, I'm sorry. The only people who laugh at those are either fans who are really in love you or people who have a very weird sense of humour." He pulled his arm away from behind my head and crossed his arms in front of his chest, an adorable pout on his face. Louis snickered and then looked back at the screen. 

I, on the other hand, leaned over to Harry who didn't look at me, but kept leaning away from me, making us both fall onto our sides. Laughing, we sat back up and I looked over at Louis who shook his head at us, before he looked away again. This time, when I leaned in, Harry didn't turn his head away, so I pressed a light kiss just underneath his jaw. "Don't be mad. I will still laugh at your jokes. And I really like the cow one." I whispered into his ear and noticed with a bit of satisfaction that goosebumps had appeared where my lips had just been seconds ago. Harry turned his head to me, a proud look on his face. "I came up with the cow joke myself." he whispered back quietly and gave me a happy smile, before pulling me into his chest again, the three of us enjoying the rest of the movie without any further interruptions.

A.N. Just in case someone wondered what movie they were watching; it's Ratatouille. :)

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