Happy Birthday Or 999 What's Your Emergency?

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Hi everyone, I am so sorry for the long wait. University is keeping me busy at the moment. I wrote this chapter at the back of my lecture notes during classes, so it might not be as good as my last chapters, but I hope you like it nevertheless. Please don't hate me for the ending, I'll try to update again soon. All the love, Summer xxx

I woke up on the 24th of December, instantly remembering that it was Louis' birthday. Planning on calling him via Skype around eleven o'clock, I quickly hopped out of bed to take a shower. After getting dressed and applying some make up, I went downstairs to get some food from the kitchen. Both of my parents were already sitting at the table, munching on some toast and looked up when I entered the kitchen. "Morning, honey." my mum greeted me with a wide smile, shooting me a look before subtly nodding her head towards my dad. I carefully eyed my dad who looked incredibly tired and exhausted. "No sleep." my mum mouthed behind his back. I turned to my dad and gave him an encouraging smile. "You okay, dad?" I asked him hesitantly and he pulled a face, but nodded anyway. "Been better." he grumbled into his tea and coughed a bit. 

Quickly, I prepared myself some tea and toast, before I excused myself to go back upstairs to my room where I wanted to skype Louis in a couple of minutes. "Where are you off to, love?" my mum asked me curiously and send me a cheeky smile. "Skyping Louis. It's his 24th birthday."" i told her with a grin which she returned. "Do we get to meet your "friend" one day, love?" she asked me and wiggled her eyebrows. I shook my head at her immaturity, but it had made my dad smile which was probably what she was aiming at. "Maybe." I said and added with a smirk "You can google him if you wanna know what he looks like. He is one of Harry's best friends and bandmates." My parents exchanged a knowing look. "Then he must be a good guy." my dad said with a small smile and coughed again. I tried to look not too concerned and returned his smile. "He really is." I assured them. I picked up my plate with the toast and my tea and with a wave, I disappeared upstairs. 

Back upstairs in my room, I quickly texted Louis and told him to go on Skype, while I got comfortable on my bed. Within two minutes, I received a video call from Louis which I accepted instantly. A widely smiling Louis popped up on my screen. "Hi, love." I smiled back at him, just as widely. "Hi, Lou. Happy birthday!" He chuckled at my enthusiasm. "How has your birthday been so far, old man?" I asked him with a smirk and he shook his head in a disapproving sort of way. "I don't think that you are in any position to make any jokes, love. You're not that much younger than me." I feigned innocence and he laughed. "I really miss you already and it hasn't even been a week." he admitted and my heart swelled with happiness, making me blush a bit. "I miss you, too, Lou. I wish I could have spent a bit more time with you last week, but I was super busy studying. Oh and I'm sorry that I missed you on Saturday! My mum told me that my dad was suddenly doing much worse and I just really needed to be there for them." I explained and he nodded.

"Lily explained it all to me, although I would have preferred to have heard it from you. But let's forget about that, alright?" Guilt was pushing itself into my heart, but I tried to ignore it and nodded, sending him a thankful smile. "How is your dad now? Is he doing any better?" Louis asked me, concern written all over his face. I gulped and shook my head. "He won't get any better any time soon, probably never." I admitted quietly and blinked away some tears which were threatening to spill over. His face fell and he looked like he wanted nothing more than to somehow climb through the screen and hold me. "I am very sorry to hear that, love. There isn't anything I could do, is there?" I shook my head in response, unable to form any words. 

Louis, obviously trying to distract me, reached behind him and smirked with me. "By the way, thank you very much for your birthday present, love. Very much appreciated." He held up the book 'Pranklopedia' by Julie Winterbottom which I had gotten him for his birthday. I grinned back at him and run a hand through my hair. "You are very welcome. I was a bit tight on money this year, but I thought you'd appreciate this. Maybe for your next encounter with Liam." I suggested and he chuckled and flipped through the book, while I enjoyed the look of childish enthusiasm and cheekiness on his face. "This is gonna be so useful." he told me with a wide grin and I laughed and continued eating my breakfast.

"Have you received any other presents so far?" I asked Louis, trying to keep the topic light. He readjusted the camera, momentarily giving me a peek at his room at his mum's home. "You mean apart from this amazing book and a skype call with the most beautiful girl I ever had the fortune to meet?"he asked me with a wink, turning me into a human tomato, but I only nodded and pretended that I hadn't heard his compliment. "I did receive some great presents from my family so far. I received a lovely drawing from Doris and Ernest and Phoebe and Daisy teamed up with Fizzy and gave me a new Doncaster t-shirt and Lottie made me a photo album." He smiled happily and I had the sudden urge to pinch his cheek, which I luckily couldn't do through the screen. 

"Oh, and my mum and Dan bought me some new important stuff for my new recording set in my house in London." He turned the camera a bit to the left so that I could see his presents on the desk behind him. In the middle was a massive cake which looked delicious. "I wish I could spend the day with you." I admitted with a sad smile and looked longingly at the cake. Louis followed my eyes and grinned. "You just want a piece of that cake, don't you?" I vigorously shook my head. "Of course not! I mean, I'm not necessarily gonna say no to a delicious piece of cake, but what I meant was spending some quality time with you and your family." I defended myself and took another sip from my tea. "Sure, love, whatever helps you sleep at night."

 I stuck out my tongue at him and Louis raised an eyebrow at me. "What did I tell you about putting your tongue to a better use?" he asked with a smirk and I instantly shut my mouth, my cheeks burning. "Oh, shut up, Tomlinson!" His smirk grew wider if that was even possible. "You could make me shut up if you were here..." he said in a suggestive tone. My cheeks seemed to be on fire at his point which he obviously enjoyed immensely. 

There was a knock on his door and a few seconds later, Lottie appeared next to Louis on the screen. I waved at her and she smiled. "Hi, Lottie!" She grinned at waved back. "Hi, Claire! I thought I'd heard Louis say something inappropriate and assumed that must be talking to you." she told me with wink. Louis chuckled and I tried to look as normal as possible. "I am sure you must have misheard something." I told her and she smirked. "Hmmmmm.... Anyway, nice to see you again, Claire." She got up and blew me a kiss before she left the room again. 

Suddenly there was a loud crash downstairs which made both of us jump. I excused myself and poked my head out of my door. "Mum, dad, is everything alright?" I shouted downstairs. I didn't get a reply. "Mum?" I shouted a bit more panicky. I quickly run back inside of my room. "I gotta check on my parents, I'll call you back, alright?" I told Louis quickly who only had time to nod before I slammed my laptop shut and sprinted downstairs, nearly falling down in the process. Jumping over a jacket which lay on the floor in the hallway, I burst into the kitchen. My dad was lying on the floor, seemingly unconscious, while my mum was hovering over him, trying to wake him up. "Dad!" I fell down to my knees next to my dad and instantly searched for a pulse. 

I nearly cried when I felt one and looked up to my mum who had tears streaming down her face. "What happened?" I asked frantically. She wiped her eyes with her sleeves. "He just collapsed and fell off his chair. Can you please call an ambulance?" I nodded and grabbed the phone, almost automatically dialing 999. My heart was beating fast and my knees felt week. A woman's voice answered the call. "999, what's your emergency?" I took a deep breath before I replied, the hand with the phone shaking. "Hi, my dad just collapsed in our kitchen and he hasn't regained consciousness yet. He does have a pulse though, but we need an ambulance." I took a shaky breath and squeezed my eyes shut. "Okay, what is your address, love?" she asked me in a kind voice and I quickly told her our address. 

"Alright, an ambulance is on their way. Has your dad shown any sign of chest pain or troubles with breathing or something like that?" I shook my head and then remembered that she couldn't see me. "He has a chronic disease and hasn't been well for the past few days and he got very little sleep last night, coughing all night. But I don't think he complained about chest pains." I shot my mum a questioning look and she shook her head. "No, he didn't complain about chest pains." My mum shot me a thankful look. "Alright, love, the paramedics will be with you in a second, will you be okay on your own until then or would you like for me to stay on the line?" the lady asked me and I thanked her and told her that we would be fine. "Okay, I hope your dad will feel better soon." I looked down at the unconscious figure on the floor in front of me. " I hope so, too, thank you." 

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