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Christmas Baby
The next four months came and went by so fast. It was the first week of December and I was ready to pop. I was super pregnant that I could barely see my feet. I felt like a balloon being blown into and sooner or later, I was going to pop.

I wasn't due until Christmas and luckily for me, Josh was already home. The first day he got here, he went straight to building the nursery for Mateo. The colours for the room were charcoal grey with pastel blue, along with little white decal stars that were spread around the South wall. On the West wall, it had a shelf with a bunch of stuffed toy animals and the crib was also on the corner where the South and West wall met.

The crib was a two in one. Meaning that not only was it a bed for the baby, it also had a changing station next to it. While Josh was drilling in the nails for the frames, I began to accomodate the diapers and lotions and wipees within the cubbies that the crib had.

Within a week, the nursery was built and you can bet your ass that Josh was proud of himself. I knew thay even though he was nervous, he also felt confident of his new role as a dad and felt accomplished for putting the baby's room together.

Josh and I laid on our bed together, counting the hours and minutes for the baby's arrival. He had a hand on my tummy, feeling around for any indents or movements from the baby.

It fascinated him that he could feel the baby reaching out to him; that the baby could have a sense of who his father was. Every time he could feel the baby's foot press against his hand or move, he would giggle like a school girl. It made me really happy to see him being this excited about having children together. So much that the thought of baby number two wouldn't be so bad.


The weeks flew by and we were already on Christmas Eve. We decided to spend Christmas at my mom's house and even Josh's parents and siblings came over. Even Tyler and Jenna surprised us, bringing Nevaeh and Scout along with them. Scout was already three and Nevaeh was only eight months. It had been a while since I have seen them and it made me really happy having them here.

We were having a great time, playing games and eating the great food our moms prepared. As midnight neared, we began to open our presents. Josh handed me a small black velvet box and as I went to undo the bow, I felt a horrible pain shoot through my stomach and uterus.

The pain had lasted for at least a minute and it was a sign my doctor told me to be aware of. My mom was by my side the second it hit and helped me breathe. Josh ran to my side as well and rubbed my back, whispering sweet nothings and reassuring me that everything would be okay. Then, I felt like I peed myself and quickly realized that my water broke.

At first, the contractions were fifteen minutes apart, which was alright. Then they began to be more and more painful and the contractions were started to get closer with time.

"I think we should get you to a hospital." Jenna spoke up.

Jos agreed and helped me get up, "Lorena, can you get the bag? It's in our room." Josh called out to my mom. With Josh holding my left arm and Tyler my right, they helped me to the car and strapped me in.

Josh ran to the other side and turned the car on, waiting for my mom to get in. As soon as she got in, Josh sped to the hospital with his family and Tyler with Jenna following us close behind.

The contractions became even more powerful and were coming every eight minutes. I had tears streaming down my cheeks and I held Josh's hand so tight, I could break it off.

"It's okay, baby. We're almost there, just hold on." Even through the pain of having his hand squished, Josh was pretty calm.

After what seemed like an eternity, we finally made it to the hospital. With Tyler's and Josh's help, I waddled inside the ER and Josh did all the talking for me.

Quickly, the nurse grabbed a wheelchair and had me sit down. With Josh by my side, I was wheeled into the maternity ward. The nurse asked me to strip down from my clothes and got dressed into the gown she had left.

After I was changed, the nurse hooked me up to all the machines and ran some tests to make sure the baby was okay. The contractions became more consistent and more painful by the minute. The nurse checked the dilation and it was only two centimeters, way too early for me to get an epidural.

After several hours of having to endure contractions, the nurse came back to check how dilated I was and I was at four centimeters.

"Do you want your epidural now?" The nurse asked and I didn't hesitate to say yes.

She injected the drug and almost immediately, I felt numbed. My eyes got heavy and soon I fell asleep.

When I woke up three hours later, the epidural had faded and the pain was back. I pressed the button for the nurse to come in and she immediately checked my dilation.

"Mrs. Dun, you are nine centimeters. The baby is ready." She went to get some more doctors and nurses and Josh as up and ready by my side.

"You ready baby?" Josh grabbed my hand and stroked my forehead, brushing my hair to the side. I nodded, mentally preparing myself for the pain that was yet to come.

"You got this babygirl, you're so strong and I'm here." He kissed my lips once and went back to stroking my head.

Three more nurses came in along with Dr. Keene, "Are you ready Mrs. Dun?" I nodded and she helped me spread my legs.

"Okay, at the count of three you're gonna push. Ready? 1. 2. 3!" I did as told and let out a loud scream. I tighten my grip on Josh's hand and heard him mutter an 'ow'.


I had no regards to anyone and I was sure that my doctor or nurses care about the profanity.

"Okay, Mrs. Dun. In the count of three you must push again. Ready? 1. 2. 3." I nodded and pushed again.

"FUUUUCK. FUCK YOU JOSH. FUCK EVERYONE. NEVER AGAIN AM I DOING THIS!!" We took a brief break and began the process all over again.

"Ready? 1. 2. 3!" I pushed again and heard a cry. "Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Dun, you now have a beautiful baby boy. Mr. Dun, would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" Josh nodded and grabbed the pair of scissors that were handed to him and cut it. Dr. Keene wrapped the baby and handes him to Josh.

"Hey there little baby, I'm your daddy. Welcome to the world." Josh brought the baby to me and showed him to me. He was the most beautiful thing my eyes had ever landed on. My heart swelled with love and the pain I felt was worth it. Nothing could ever compare to this moment.

Mateo Zachary Dun. Born on the 25th of Christmas at four-fifty five a.m.

Oh Love // Sequel to Damaged KidsWhere stories live. Discover now