N I | N E

455 10 0

5 Months
"Ooh." My heart beat quickened and I started to panic. It was already hard enough for me to sleep and this just made it worse. The pressure in my stomach seemed to not let up and thoughts of horrible things that could possibly be happening flooded my mind.

I reached towards my phone and quickly unplugged it, calling the only person who had experience with this sort of thing.

"Halo?" My mom answered withing the second ring, her voice tired and raspy.

* "Mom, algo está pasando. I'm scared." My voice was rushed and panicked. I touched my stomach where the pressure still was and it felt firm. That's when I realized what was happening; the baby was finally kicking.

**"Cómo qué? Mija, you're scaring me. ¿Qué está pasando?" I could tell she began panicking as well since I stopped talking.

In awe and with a huge smile, I began talking. ***"Nada, the baby was just kicking. It felt so weird." I was smiling from ear to ear; the idea of life forming inside of me becoming more and more real by each month that passed. My sixteen year old self's vow of having no kids becoming more irrelevant and stupid with each milestone I reached.

****"No me asustes así. Pensé que algo horrible te paso. How do you feel?"

"A little scared, *****se sintió raro. I'm fine now, though." My heart swelled with joy and love for my baby boy.

"Okay, ******mija, te quiero mucho. Take care of my grandson and don't scare me like that again, cabrona."

I laughed at my mom's nickname for me, the one that I was so used to being called growing up.

*******"Yo también, buenas noches." I hung up the phone and quickly went on my world clock, wanting to know what time it was wherever Josh was.

Being two in the morning here and one in the afternoon in Moscow, I quickly called up Josh.

"Hello?" He answered on the first ring.

"Woah, were you on standby waiting for me to call?" I chuckled.

"Nah, I was on my phone already amd when I saw your call I thought 'eh, might as well answer'. How are you and the baby?"

"'Might as well answer' huh? Okay, I see how it is. Bye." I put my voice on mute so he couldn't hear me and waited for him to panic.

"Wait, babe don't hang up. I didn't mean it, I was only joking. Did you actually hang up? I doubt you did. Did you put yourself on mute? Ugh, Lydia! Okay, I'm sorry I was on standby."

"Where you really?" I asked, putting myself out of mute.

"No, but I didn't think that I may as well answer."

"Mmm, okay. You're forgiven. Anyway, guess what happened?" The pressure came back, but this time it was on the oposit side of my tummy. A smile adorned my fave once again, this time happiness overflowed my mind and I was less scared.

"I dunno, what happened."

"You're no fun. The baby kicked! And he's still kicking!! He's gonna be a soccer player at this rate." An image of the baby that looked like a mix of Josh and I dominating the field, maybe even becoming the second Andre-Pierre Gignac.

"Or a football player, maybe even a basketball player." Josh said, intentionally bursting my bubble of my son becoming a soccer player. He knew exactly how I got in regards to my love for watching soccer.

"We'll settle this when he gets a little older, but I can tell you right now that he will be a soccer player."

"M'kay, whatever you say babe. I really wish I was there to feel our son kick, I wish I was there just in general. I miss you like crazy." My heart sunk, feeling the exact same way.

"I know, I know. Just think about it, after this month it'll be three more. Plus, the baby is not due until Christmas. Tour ends a week before December even starts, you're going to be here for the birth. Don't dwell too much on it, okay?"

"Okay. I love you Lydia. So, so much. Before you go, I kind of came up with a name for the baby." I smiled knowing that Josh was thinking names just like I was. I wanted to wait until he came home to really discuss and decide on a name, but that didn't stop me from thinking about it.

"I was thinking that the baby's should be Mateo Zachary Dun. After your late dad and my late grandpa. I-I don't know if you like it, but I thought it would be really cool for the baby to have the two men who really impacted our lives and-"

"Josh, I love it. I wouldn't want the baby to be named anything else. That was incredibly thoughtful of you, to name our first child after my dad and your grandpa. I love you so much, Joshua. Don't ever forget that."

"I'm glad you love it. I love you too Lydia, so much. Don't you ever forget that. Anyways, I know it's late over there and you should get some sleep. Goodnight."


*"Something's happening"

**"Like what? What's happening?"


****"Don't scare me like that. I thought something horrible happened"

*****"It felt weird"

******"I love you.

~okay so, the translation in English for cabrona is bitch. I know it sounds bad especially since my mom does in fact call me that, but as weird as it sounds, she means it as an endearment or jokingly.~

*******"Me too, goodnight"

Oh Love // Sequel to Damaged KidsWhere stories live. Discover now