chapter 19

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i wake up at seven to go make coffee and a stranger is sitting on my couch

"hay dude who are you"

"im Lucifer novack"

"are you my angels brother"

"if you are referring to castiel then yes which means your are dean Winchester. nice to meet you" he stands up and we shake hands.

"so why you in my living room dude"

"i have to talk to my siblings about something that happen"

at that moment cass walk in not seeing Lucifer right to me and kisses me then turns around and freezes

"well this is a bad thing isint it cause you said you never would talk to me because i wasent gay"

dean said really confused "wait what scene when and what am i to you then"

"babe when i was younger i wasent gay but now i am and we have to talk so can you go get breakfast"

"no but i go sit down and not say a word" dean said kissing me

"go get Gabriel castiel"
"Um ok"
He leaves and ckmes back jn wjth sam and gabriel sam sits beside me and they start talking
Luci "michael is on his death bed and wants you two to come see him aparently you two are the favorites"
Cas"alright ill call work and get off gabe you go ask bobby for a couple days off"
Gabe "ok"
With that they walked out and left us and lucifer
Dean "so how many siblings are there"
Luci "well um more than 20"
Sam walked out and to his room
"Dam thats a lot"
"Castiel never mentiond us ever"
"No every time i brought up family he would clam up"
"Sounds like him he ever tell you why they left"
"Well they left cause our wole family was gay except them and they homophobic. They said they would never ever date a guy as long as they live and it was wrong that was the last time I sall them but look were we are know there both gay"
"Well dam I was like that he changed me"
Thats when cass came in with a bag, sam came in with gabes bag, and gabe walked jn and the novacks left but he dint stop texting me
Hay he told me why you left your family what made you change your mind
Ik we were gonna have this talk somtime um I had a girlfriend right before you and she was inlove with me and I dint have the same feeling. So I started flirting with a guy when i was drunk and we ended up going to my house and fucking. I woke up and discovered I liked it so I broke up with her and started sleeping around with guys and then you showed up you were so very hot. I saw a future with you
Whats gabes story
I dont know
Then we talked about random crap while I worked on a car with bobby abd crowley they kept getting mad because I was laphing at my phone a lot he is very funny. Finally I go to sleep thinking about my baby boy.
Gabe woke me up early on a day I dint hace to work until noon, but it turns out he had to leave I walked in the living room where im guessing his okder brotger was and told him he had to go so I immediately go pack a bag find gabe for him when he gets here and about the time I finished he kissed me then left. We texted at first.
Hay who was that guy
My brother
Ow why did he say he hasent seen you in a while
Cause he hasent its a long story
Well I have time
When I was little me and castiel were himophibic and our family was gay the whole family. So we left and for a long time I was homophobic
What changed your mind
So when we left we moved into a very bad town and I was walking and I got attacked and raped by a dude he held me captive for 3 months and he butt fucked me until it got to where I liked it when I started loving it ge threw me out and from then in I knew I was gay I just couldnt tell castiel but when he told me he was I made a plan
Wow that must if been hirrible
Then I guess he went out of signal because he stopped texting me after that it was a normal day I went to work then bed.
The novack boys shipped put so me crowley and dean all worked on a truck we all were the best at somthing I was the best welder dean was the best macanic and crowley was the best be ruster basically he made it look like a non rust bucket. We worked in harmony and finished the truck and then nightfall came and dean went to his room me and crowley went out we were going to play basketball because he claims he is the best but I am so I had to prove it to him
so I won 20 to 15 he want a rematch some other time and then we went home and went to sleep.

destiel life beining to endحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن