chapter 10

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I remember him. It's also kinda distorted, I remember I'm in love with him but not y I am. Well I moved in hoping to make new memory's but then someone showed up when we were in the middle of making up. IT WAS HIS DAD he walked in the house then our room looked at us in duscust
John " boy uve been runin and I'm here to bring u back and I find ur queer no boy of mine is queer where is Sam. He walks out and we hear him yell and run back in here.
John "you infected him not to worry I'll beat it out of you two"
He punched him looked at me and said don't come lookin then dean said I'll find u I'll find u just wait and dragged Sam and Dean out. I was defeated my one true love gone I could here gave crying so I go in there and he has a black eye
Me "what happend"
Him "their dad punched me once and Sam like 5 times it was horrible"
I hugged him and cradled him
It was a Friday night and denstiel was in their room making up we could hear them it was awful. We were just cuddling watching Harry Potter Sam's favorite and then we here someone walk in denstiel room and hear Sam say
"It my dad he's here but don't worry he's gonna be more mad at me and I'll find you when I turn 18 I promise I'm already 15 3 more years I promise" he kissed me passonitly
Then he walked in and looked at Sam yelled dammit and punched me sam punched him and then his dad punched h like 5 times in a ROM then dragged them both out I started crying the Cassie came in and we cried together then said
"Dean said he will find me once Sam turns 18
Sorry it's short but I'm in the middle of class and I'm bored so dahh well my days been shit hiw about your day ow and it's only 11:30 I have till 3 and I'm in history were watching Selma what even is that it's really boring

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