Chapter 12

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*Sorry for the long wait guys!  I've been having a serious case of writers block and it's SUPER annoying.  Well anyways hope you enjoy the chapter!

Note:  All suggestion and read and taken into consideration, feel free to comment any or all that you have.*

(Matt’s POV)

I woke up to the sound of my phone going off, it was a text from mike.

//Come to Joshs now//

I jumped out of bed, I couldn’t even think of what was happening.  I slipped on a pair of shorts.  My stomach growled ferociously, I sighed and quickly grabbed a protein bar before heading out the door.  I quickly slid into the driver’s seat of my car and drove out fast, making sure of police.  I pulled into Josh’s apartment and open the front door with the key Josh gave to me when he first moved here.  The ride in the elevator seemed amazingly longer than all the other times before.  I walked down the hall and burst through Josh’s door.

“Mike? Josh?”  I called into the seemingly empty apartment.

“In hear Matt!”  Mike called.  I walked into Josh’s room and cringed at the sight of him.  He was curled up on his bed, his sleeves stained with blood.  This whole situation must be rough on him, Josh was strong, I never expected him to resort to this.

“Josh?”  I said calmly walking towards Josh, or what was left of him.

Josh lifted his head up and looked at me, his eyes were blood shot. “Matt, please just help me.”  He desperately cried to me.

“It’s ok man, we’re here to help you, we’re not gonna lose you again.  Ok?”  I assured Josh, I felt sick to my stomach seeing him like this, we were like brothers.

Josh nodded his head.  I gave Mike a look saying ‘Say something, help.’  Mike sat down on the bed beside Josh.

“We know this is hard on you, but doing this is not helping the situation, you need to be strong, be stong for Nicki.”  I gave Mike an appreciative nod.

“You know what Mike, you’re right.”  Josh said attempting to stand up, but failing.

“First we have to build you up before you can be strong again.”  I say to him, signaling for him to lie down.

Josh looked at me and mouthed “Thank you”. I nodded and replied “We’re always going to be there for you Josh, ok?”  Josh understood that it was rhetorical and drifted off to sleep.

(Josh’s POV)

I woke up, feeling weak.  Completely confused as Matt brought in orange juice and some pancakes.  I then remembered last night.  Had Mike not found me, I would probably be swimming in my own blood.  I shuddered at the thought.  I felt so thankful to have these guys as my friends.  I have no idea where I would be without them.  I nodded a thanks to Matt and took a large bite of my pancake.  It felt so good to eat again.  My mind wondered to Nicki, I had to find her.  But I can’t work with the police, it would interfere.  I thought to myself, she always went to the beach, so it can’t be far from there.  I didn’t have a lot to work with, so I did it the old school way.  It’s sad that I struggled to pick up a phone book.  I placed it on the table.  I had figured out the day we went to the bar that her last name was McNully, so there I was; sitting on the couch searching through a phone book for a girls address.  I knew this was a serious time, but I couldn’t help but think back to high school where a girl would never tell you her address, so you took about an hour out of your life trying to find her number.  I snapped out of my thoughts.  Don’t you worry Nicki, I’m going to find you, no matter what it takes.

(Nicki’s POV)

I felt a cloth being shoved into my mouth and my legs being untied, I knew what was coming.  As a tear escaped my eyes, I was violated once again.  I thought to myself how long, how much longer will this go on.  I felt so unaware, I had no idea if Josh was alive, what day it is, or if anyone is looking for me.  Finally the horrible pain ended, and I was surprised that the blind fold was being taken off.  It took a while to adjust to the bright light.  I was confused when I realized I wasn’t in my house.  Where am I?  All the hope that I had, was now lost.  Even if people were looking for me, how would they find me now?

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