Chapter 3

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I woke up in an uncomfortable bed, surrounded by wall of a hiddeaous shade of blue.

'Where am I? Oh. Right'  I thought when I touched my bruised up face. 

I walked to the bathroom, the light was so bright I had to blink a few times to get used to it.  I looked at myself, I looked terrible. I sighed as I took my keys and headed out the door.  I signed out of the hotel, and headed off to the beach again, not making eye contact with anyone.

Finally, at the beach.  I sit down on a wooden bench that gives you a good look of the ocean waters, the sun was just rising. Beautiful.

I start singing a song I had heard in my friends car, it always got stuck in my head.

"Everyone's around, the words are coming now

and I can't find my breath, can we just say the rest with no sound. 

and I know this isn't enough, I still don't measure up.

and I'm not prepared, sorry is never there when you need it."

I stop singing when a hear footsteps behind me.  I turn around quickly to find that blue haired tall guy from yesterday.  He covers his face with his hands, like a two year old hiding in hide and seek.

"I can see you." I point out, slightly embarrassed.

He shakes his head, hands still covering his face.

"Why are you hiding?" I ask him giggling.

"Because, if I'm not here, than you can keep singing." He mumbles through his hands.

I could feel my face heating up.  I got an idea, I started to walk around behind him, being as quiet as possible.  He took his hands off his face, and looked around confused.  Before he could look behind him, I jumped onto his back.  I guess he wan't expecting it, 'cause he yelled "Oh shit!" and fell to the ground.  

"I'm sorry" I say. "I never got your name."  "Josh." he answered. "And yours?"


"Ah" He turned his head to look at me, and smirked.  The same smirk as the day before.  I wondered why he was staring, then I realized I was still on top of him.  My face grew even hotter than before.

"Sorry" I managed to mumble.

He giggled, it was cute.

"So.. Have y-you eaten yet?" Did I just hear him stutter? I smiled.

"Not since yesterday morning"  I reply

"Holy Shit! Eat more!"

"It wasn't my fault!" I said, tears coming to my eyes again. Oh god I don't want to cry in front of him.. again.

He just looked down at his blue converse, and shifted his weight from leg to leg.

"I'm sor-"

"Don't apologize" I interrupted him. "It's not your fault you didn't know."

He looked at me with those silver blue eyes, he looked as if he actually cared. Like he knows what pain is.

" pancakes sound good? I make mean pancakes."

I giggle "Sounds good to me"

(Told you it would be longer! Please Comment, Vote, and/or Fave.. would mean a lot! Picture of Josh on side)

Footsteps in the Sand (A Marianas Trench Story) **ON HOLD**Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora