Chapter 9

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*Hiya again! quick update, sorry that I have been posting short chapters.  It's just that I get ideas in my head and I want to update frequently.  There will be different POV (point of view) in this chapter because it is needed, you'll see why!  BTW a huge thank you to shurtugal2 who gave me an idea for this chapter and the next! <3*

(Josh's POV)

"Wow" I mumbled to my self as I walked away from the door. She is such a tease, I giggle to myself.  I climb into my beat up car and head home.  It was surprisingly hot for a January afternoon, I thought to myself.  I head to my apartment.

"O.M.G!!"  I heard a teenage girl screem. "Oh God.."

"Hi!" The girl said, jumping up and down.

"Oh, um, hi."  I say, forcing a smile.

"I-I was w-wondering if I-I could have a hug?"  Her face clearly red.

I chuckle, "Sure."  She squeals and hugs me, then practically skips away to her suite.  I sigh, thank goodness that's over.  I finally get to my suite and open the door.  "Tux! Anemone!" I say to my welcoming cats.  "I bet you wittle guy need some food!" I say in baby talk mode. What?  I'm a suck up when it comes to cats.  I walk into my kitchen and take out the cat food, I fill the food dish to the brim.  I also give them some fresh water too.  "I don't know how you guys can drink that stuff." I say, opening a can of Coke Zero.  They look up at me with disgust, sometime, I wonder if they understand.  I shake my head.  I also wonder if I'm slowly going insane.

I reach for my phone and text Nicki, //Hey, whats up? i miss u//  I sigh, why am I falling so hard for this girl?  Is it the way her bangs fall onto her eyes?  Her sense of humor?  I don't think I'll ever know.  I walk into my room and pick up one of my many guitars and start to strum,  I need to think of a new song, I have a deadline for this album, I thought to myself.  My mind wondered to the girl who came up to me in the lobby.  That's it!  I grab a paper and pen.

'I'll follow you like..' is what I write.  Follow you like what?  It had to go with the toyland theme of the album.  Aha! A light bulb popped in my head and scribbled on the paper.  "I'll follow you like toy soldiers.." I mumble to myself, I like it!

Hmm.. I still haven't got a reply from Nicki.  Maybe I should go check on her...


(Matt's  POV)

I haven't heard from Josh in a while, oh well, he's probably with Nicki.  He really like the girl, all of us could see it.  We're meeting up at the band house in two hours anyways.  My only problem is, what to do to pass the time?  My stomach growls.  I chuckle to my self, how about some food.  As I search through my kitchen cupboards,  I came to realize I have no food.  I sigh, that means to go out in public and pray no one recognizes me.  I climb into my car and set of to the grocery store.

When I got there, I went strait to the frozen food section and picked up some wings,  I swear I'm addicted.  Definitely not as much as Josh with his Coke Zero.  I grabbed some other necessities and walked to the checkout.  I was zoned out in till I hear a girls voice say. "Hello sir how may I help you?"  i looked up to see a beautiful girl with wavy auburn hair to her armpits.  I was completely taken aback.  "Sir?"  She asked my in a somewhat flirty tone.

"I-um sorry, yea I just wanna get these.."  I trailed off looking into her eyes, I shook my head.  Snap out of it, why was she so beautiful?

"Here you go sir." she said handing me my bags and sending me a wink.  Boy did I walk out of the store smiling.  I got home and put the groceries away and stuck the wings in the oven.  Just as i was throwing out the receipt, something caught my eye.  Something was written on the back of it.  As I looked closer, I noticed it was a number.  I smiled to my self as I tucked it into my pocket.  After I ate my wings I decided it was an appropriate time to leave for the band house.  As I left I realized it was dark already.  Damn I hate the winter.

I pulled up to the band house and got out of my car.  I jogged over to the door and unlocked it.

"Hello?" I called as I entered, no answer.  Odd, i would have thought at least Nicki would've been here.  I walk into the kitchen a gasped.  I reached for my phone and dialed.

"Yes 911 how may I help you?"

"Yes, um.  I have an emergency."

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